Books by Ohrem, Dominik

10 books by this author

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  1. Ohrem, A Declaration of Interdependence. American History and the Challenges of..., 2016.
  2. Ohrem, American Beasts: Perspectives on Animals, Animality and U.S. Culture, 1776–1920, 2016.
  3. Ohrem, An Address from Elsewhere: Vulnerability, Relationality, and Conceptions of Creaturely..., 2017.
  4. Ohrem, Animating Creaturely Life, 2017.
  5. Ohrem, Beyond the Human-Animal Divide: Creaturely Lives in Literature and Culture, 2017.
  6. Ohrem, Exploring Animal Encounters: Philosophical, Cultural, and Historical Perspectives, 2018.
  7. Ohrem, Some Thoughts on (Animal) Encounter, 2018.
  8. Ohrem, The Ends of Man: The Zooanthropological Imaginary and the Animal..., 2016.
  9. Roscher, Feminist Intersectionality Studies, 2021.
  10. Wirth, (In)VulnerAbilities Postanthropozentrische Perspektiven auf Verwundbarkeit, Handlungsmacht und die Ontologie des..., 2015.