Books by Vaught, Jeannette

8 books by this author

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  1. Argent, Afterword: Moving Human-Equine Studies Forward, with Horses, 2022.
  2. Argent, Introduction: Humans and Horses in the Relational Arena, 2022.
  3. Argent, Is it Sex if the Veterinarian Does the Work? The..., 2022.
  4. Argent, The relational horse: how frameworks of communication, care, politics and..., 2022.
  5. Guest, Shaping the Equine Body: Roundtable, 2023.
  6. Porter, How to Make a Horse Have an Orgasm, 2018.
  7. Vaught, A Question of Sex: Cloning, Culture, and Legitimacy Among American..., 2018.
  8. Vaught, Adults Together: Mares, Women, and Enduring Constraints on Mature Multispecies..., 2023.