Books by DeMello, Margo

11 books by this author

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  1. Davis, Stories rabbits tell: a natural and cultural history of a..., 2003.
  2. DeMello, Animals and society: an introduction to human-animal studies, 2012.
  3. DeMello, Identity, Community, and Grief. The Role of Bunspace in Human..., 2013.
  4. DeMello, Introduction., 2013.
  5. DeMello, Mourning animals: rituals and practices surrounding animal death, 2016.
  6. DeMello, Speaking for animals: animal autobiographical writing, 2013.
  7. DeMello, Teaching the animal: human-animal studies across the disciplines, 2010.
  8. DeMello, The present and future of animal domestication, 2007.
  9. Krebber, Online Animal (Auto-)Biographies: What Does It Mean When We “Give..., 2018.
  10. Middelhoff, The Rabbits of Okunoshima: How Feral Rabbits Alter Space, Create..., 2019.
  11. Shapiro, The State of Human-Animal Studies, 2010.