Book published in 1974

Found 9 books from the year 1974

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  1. Bridges, Gathering of animals; an unconventional history of the New York..., 1974.
  2. Ellenberger, The Mental Hospital and the Zoological Garden, 1974.
  3. Holmes, Claude Bernard and Animal Chemistry. The Emergence of a Scientist, 1974.
  4. Jacoby, Wargus, vargr, "Verbrecher", "Wolf": eine sprach- und rechtsgeschichtliche Untersuchung, 1974.
  5. Lewis, Das Tier und seine dichterische Funktion in Erec, Iwein, Parzival..., 1974.
  6. Meeker, The comedy of survival; studies in literary ecology, 1974.
  7. Nagel, What Is It Like to Be a Bat?, 1974.
  8. Phinneas, “Household Pets and Urban Alienation.”, 1974.
  9. Waszink, Biene und Honig als Symbol des Dichters und der Dichtung..., 1974.