Book published in 2010

Found 209 books from the year 2010

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  1. Aaltola, Coetzee and Alternative Animal Ethics, 2010.
  2. Adams, The Sexual Politics of Meat (20th Anniversary Edition): a Feminist-Vegetarian..., 2010.
  3. Adams, The War on Compassion, 2010.
  4. Alhadeff, Meat: Digesting the Stranger Within, 2010.
  5. Allen, Otter, 2010.
  6. Aloi, Ein Haus-A House for Pigs and People, 2010.
  7. Aloi, In Conversation with Carsten Höller, 2010.
  8. Aloi, The Problematic Exposure of Flesh, 2010.
  9. Aloi, Zhang Huan: Zhu Gangqiang, 2010.
  10. Ammer, Der Wald-Wild-Konflikt: Analyse und Lösungsansätze vor dem Hintergrund rechtlicher, ökologischer..., 2010.
  11. Anderson, The ‘Ethics’ of Consensual Cannibalism: Deconstructing the Human-Animal Dichotomy, 2010.
  12. Anker, From Bauhaus to ecohouse: a history of ecological design, 2010.
  13. Arluke, Beauty and the beast: human-animal relations as revealed in real..., 2010.
  14. Austin, Illustrating Animals for the Working Classes: The Penny Magazine (1832–1845), 2010.
  15. Baker, Steve Baker – Nortfolk Roadkill, Mainly, 2010.
  16. Baratay, Les socio-anthropologues et les animaux. Réflexions d’un historien pour un..., 2010.
  17. Becker, Tier, Tiere, 2010.
  18. Benson, Wired wilderness: technologies of tracking and the making of modern..., 2010.
  19. Bies, Tiermärchen, 2010.
  20. Boehrer, Animal characters: nonhuman beings in early modern literature, 2010.
  21. Boissonneault, Every living being: representations of nonhuman animals in the exploration..., 2010.
  22. Born, Von wunderbaren Gärten und Tieren im Märchen Didaktisch-methodische Möglichkeiten unter..., 2010.
  23. Braithwaite, Do Fish Feel Pain?, 2010.
  24. Brantz, Beastly natures: animals, humans, and the study of history, 2010.
  25. Brantz, Das Tier in der Geschichte und die Geschichte der Tiere, 2010.
  26. Brantz, Einleitung. Das Tier in der Geschichte und die Geschichte der..., 2010.
  27. Brantz, Tierische Geschichte: die Beziehung von Mensch und Tier in der..., 2010.
  28. Breeze Harper, Race as a “Feeble Matter” in Veganism: Interrogating whiteness, geopolitical..., 2010.
  29. Britz, The Acorn Pig Project, 2010.
  30. Broglio, Heide Hatry on Skin and Meat, 2010.
  31. Broglio, Meat Matters, 2010.
  32. Brown, Healing the herds: disease, livestock economies, and the globalization of..., 2010.
  33. Brucker, Tierrechte und Friedensbewegung. ‚Radikale Ethik‘ und gesellschaftlicher Fortschritt in der..., 2010.
  34. Burgat, Penser le comportement animal: contribution à une critique du réductionnisme, 2010.
  35. Caccavale, Elio Caccavale: A Pig Saved My Life, 2010.
  36. Calkins, How Is It Then with the Whale? Using Scientific Data..., 2010.
  37. Campbell, Nature as historical protagonist: environment and society in pre-industrial England, 2010.
  38. Carnell, Hare, 2010.
  39. Center of Abolitionist Studies for Animal Liberation, ! For the abolition of the bullfight, the people took..., 2010.
  40. Cochrane, An introduction to animals and political theory, 2010.
  41. Cohn, "No insignificant creature": Thomas Hardy's Ethical Turn, 2010.
  42. Colloque International en Droit Animal au Canada, Premier Colloque International en Droit Animal au Canada l'Animal dans..., 2010.
  43. Costa, Pigeonblog, 2010.
  44. Costlow, Other animals: beyond the human in Russian culture and history, 2010.
  45. Crews, And Say The Bakemono Responded: Animism, Derrida and the Question..., 2010.
  46. Cudworth, ‘The Recipe for Love’? Continuities and Changes in the Sexual..., 2010.
  47. Dalke, Mustang: The Paradox of Imagery, 2010.
  48. Dawn, Converging Convictions:, 2010.
  49. Deckard, Irony and Belief in Elizabeth Costello, 2010.
  50. Deckha, Feminism, Intersectionality and the Capabilities Approach for Animals, 2010.
  51. Deckha, The Subhuman as a Cultural Agent of Violence, 2010.
  52. Delafenêtre, The Divided Kingdom: Inconsistency in the UK Legislation Restricting the..., 2010.
  53. Delfour, Conscience, souffrance et bien-être de l'animal-objet, 2010.
  54. Dell’Aversano, The Love Whose Name Cannot be Spoken: Queering the Human-Animal..., 2010.
  55. DeMello, Teaching the animal: human-animal studies across the disciplines, 2010.
  56. Derrida, Das Tier, das ich also bin, 2010.
  57. Doria, Mammal Thoughts, 2010.
  58. Düwel, Tierepik., 2010.
  59. Emmer, Kraken: Fact Or Fiction?, 2010.
  60. Estok, Narrativizing Science: The Ecocritical Imagination and Ecophobia, 2010.
  61. Faroqhi, Animals and people in the Ottoman Empire, 2010.
  62. Feller, Der Einfluss von Jagdhunden auf Charles Darwins Theorie der Selektion., 2010.
  63. fieldclub, Whey to Go: on the Hominid Appropriation of the Pig..., 2010.
  64. Fitzgerald, A Social History of the Slaughterhouse: From Inception to Contemporary..., 2010.
  65. Fitzgerald, Media Constructions of Responsibility for the Production and Mitigation of..., 2010.
  66. Flynn, A Sociological Analysis of Animal Abuse, 2010.
  67. Flynn, The Lives of Animals and the Form-Content Connection, 2010.
  68. Francione, The animal rights debate: abolition or regulation?, 2010.
  69. Freeman, Paper tiger: a visual history of the thylacine, 2010.
  70. Frenais, Nicolas Primat: An Artist Between Species, 2010.
  71. Frenais, Wildchild, 2010.
  72. Gebhard, Phantasie und Symbol Zur Bedeutung anthropomorpher Naturinterpretationen in Märchen, 2010.
  73. Gebhardt, Glückssymbole und Ungeheuer-Tiere in Märchen und Sagen, 2010.
  74. Geiger, Writing the Lives of Animals, 2010.
  75. Gigliotti, Heartburn: Indigestion, Contention and Animals in Contemporary Art, 2010.
  76. Gissibl, Das kolonisierte Tier. Zur Ökologie der Kontaktzone des deutschen Kolonialismus, 2010.
  77. Glock, Can animals judge?, 2010.
  78. Grebowicz, When Species Meat: Confronting Bestiality Pornography, 2010.
  79. Griem, Monkey Business: Affen als Figuren anthropologischer und ästhetischer Reflexion, 1800-2000, 2010.
  80. Griffiths, "The Tame from the Wild": Handling Political Economies of Life..., 2010.
  81. Grimm, Das moralphilosophische Experiment: John Deweys Methode empirischer Untersuchungen als Modell..., 2010.
  82. Hall, Enki-Human to Fish Communication, 2010.
  83. Haraway, When Animals Look Back, 2010.
  84. Harper, Sistah vegan: black female vegans speak on food, identity, health,..., 2010.
  85. Heimannsberg, Brehm Reiseleben. Zwischen Eismeer und Äquator. Mit dem großen Tierforscher..., 2010.
  86. Heindrichs, „Laßt die Tiere in Frieden, ich leids nicht, daß ihr..., 2010.
  87. Heise, Nach der Natur: das Artensterben und die moderne Kultur, 2010.
  88. Herberth, Die Kröte im Märchen - interdisziplinär betrachtet Deutungen, Missverständnisse, Anthropomorphismen, 2010.
  89. Hillsburg, My Pet Needs Philosophy: Ambiguity, Capabilities and the Welfare of..., 2010.
  90. Hoarau, Entre anthropologie et politique: les animaux de La Fontaine, 2010.
  91. Hobgood-Oster, The friends we keep: unleashing Christianity's compassion for animals, 2010.
  92. Hoppe, Zur Rolle des Hundes bei der Liebeswerbung auf attischen Vasenbildern..., 2010.
  93. Houston, Attitudes Toward Wolves in the United States and Canada: A..., 2010.
  94. Huggan, Postcolonial Ecocriticism. Literature, Animals, Environment, 2010.
  95. Irwin, Camel, 2010.
  96. Isenberg, The destruction of the bison: an environmental history, 1750-1920, 2010.
  97. Iveson, Animals in Looking-Glass World: Fables of Überhumanism and Posthumanism in..., 2010.
  98. Jackson, Lion, 2010.
  99. Jones, Concern for animals: from a Catholic perspective, 2010.
  100. Kalof, Cultural Representations of Problem Animals in National Geographic, 2010.
  101. Kemmerer, Limited Funds: Assessing Rescues and Sanctuaries, 2010.
  102. Kibbie, Circulating Anti-Semitism: Charles Johnstone’s Chrysal., 2010.
  103. Kirksey, The Emergency of Multispecies Ethnography, 2010.
  104. Kogler, The Pig Trilogy, 2010.
  105. Kompatscher-Gufler, Tiere als Freunde im Mittelalter: eine Anthologie, 2010.
  106. Krajewski, Die Hyäne: Lesarten eines politischen Tiers, 2010.
  107. Kraß, Meerjungfrauen: Geschichten einer unmöglichen Liebe, 2010.
  108. Köhler, Märchenhafte Tier- und Pflanzenwelt: Aspekte interdisziplinärer Märchendidaktik, 2010.
  109. Lamey, Sympathy and Scapegoating in J. M. Coetzee, 2010.
  110. Lee, Reading Meat in H. G. Wells, 2010.
  111. Leist, J.M. Coetzee and ethics: philosophical perspectives on literature, 2010.
  112. Lockwood, Counting Cruelty. Challenges and Opportunities in Assessing Animal Abuse and..., 2010.
  113. Love, Shakespeare's Origin of Species and Darwin's Tempest, 2010.
  114. Lovitz, Muzzling a movement: the effects of anti-terrorism law, money, and..., 2010.
  115. Lulka, To Turn: California's Proposition 2 and the Ethics of Animal..., 2010.
  116. Lundberg, Stone loach in Stockholm, Sweden, and royal fish-ponds in the..., 2010.
  117. Mabille, La ménagerie de Versailles, 2010.
  118. Macdonald, Three Films on Hawks and Men, 2010.
  119. Malamud, Animals in Film, 2010.
  120. Marchesini, Alterity and the Non-human, 2010.
  121. Marjanić, The Zoostage as Another Ethical Misfiring: The spectacle of the..., 2010.
  122. Martinelli, A Critical Companion to Zoosemiotics, 2010.
  123. Mayeri, New Directions in Primate Cinema, 2010.
  124. McHugh, Being Out of Time: Animal Gods in Contemporary Extinction Fictions, 2010.
  125. McHugh, Clever Pigs, Failing Piggeries, 2010.
  126. McInerney, The cattle of the sun: cows and culture in the..., 2010.
  127. Meindertsma, Christien Meindertsma: Pig 05049, 2010.
  128. Meli, The representation of animals in the early modern period, 2010.
  129. Michalska, Spider, 2010.
  130. Mizelle, The Disappearance (and slight return) of Pigs in American Cities, 2010.
  131. Montgomery, History from Below: Animals as Historical Subjects, 2010.
  132. Moore, This Little Piggy, 2010.
  133. Mortimer-Sandilands, Queer ecologies: sex, nature, politics, desire, 2010.
  134. Müller-Tamm, Der Wolf in der Fabel: experimentelle Selbstfiktionalisierung bei Johann Wilhelm..., 2010.
  135. Mütherich, Soziologische Aspekte des Speziesismus, 2010.
  136. Nessel, Medialität der Tiere. Zur Produktion von Präsenz am Beispiel von..., 2010.
  137. Nickol, Pflanzen im Märchen: Einblick in die Biodiversitä, 2010.
  138. Nimmo, Milk, modernity and the making of the human: purifying the..., 2010.
  139. Nocella, Abolition a Multi-Tactical Movement Strategy, 2010.
  140. Nocella, Healing Our Cuts, 2010.
  141. Orozco, ‘Never Work with Children and Animals’: Risk, mistake and the..., 2010.
  142. O’Reilly, Kira O’Reilly: Inthewrongplaceness, 2010.
  143. Palmer, Animal ethics in context, 2010.
  144. Parikka, Insect media: an archaeology of animals and technology, 2010.
  145. Parry, Gender and slaughter in popular gastronomy, 2010.
  146. Payne, The animal part: human and other animals in the poetic..., 2010.
  147. Pearson, Does the Animal exist? Toward a Theory of social Life..., 2010.
  148. Pearson, Gibt es das Tier? Soziotheoretische Reflexionen, 2010.
  149. Pedersen, Terror From the Stare: Visual Landscapes of Meat Production, 2010.
  150. Peled, The Biomechanics of Objects, 2010.
  151. Pigliucci, Evolution, the extended synthesis, 2010.
  152. Pique, The Return of the Animal Man, 2010.
  153. Pollock, The Cannibal-Animal Complex in Melville, Marx, and Beyond, 2010.
  154. Potts, The Politics of Carol J. Adams, 2010.
  155. Regan, Other nations: animals in modern literature, 2010.
  156. Ritvo, Noble cows and hybrid zebras: essays on animals and history, 2010.
  157. Roscher, Engagement und Emanzipation. Frauen in der englischen Tierschutzbewegung, 2010.
  158. Rose, Fabeltheorien des 18. Jahrhunderts. Im Spannungsfeld von Didaktik, Ästhetik und..., 2010.
  159. Roth, Tier, Tiere, 2010.
  160. Rowlands, Der Philosoph und der Wolf: was ein wildes Tier uns..., 2010.
  161. Rule, Indexical Humans, Iconic Animals, 2010.
  162. Ryder, Speciesism Again. The Orginal Leaflet, 2010.
  163. Salomon, From Marginal Cases to Linked Oppressions: Reframing the Conflict between..., 2010.
  164. Sandkühler, Enzyklopädie Philosophie: in drei Bänden mit einer CD-ROM, 2010.
  165. Sax, The Posthumanism of Roberto Marchesini, 2010.
  166. Schiesari, Beasts and beauties: animals, gender, and domestication in the Italian..., 2010.
  167. Schilling, Macht und Ohnmacht der Sprache. Die Vita Aesopi als Anleitung..., 2010.
  168. Schratter, Otto Antonius: Wegbereiter der Tiergartenbiologie, 2010.
  169. Seed, Primate Cognition, 2010.
  170. Serrato, Ecological Indigenous Foodways and the Healing of All Our Relations, 2010.
  171. Shapiro, The State of Human-Animal Studies, 2010.
  172. Shaw, The animal fable in science fiction and fantasy, 2010.
  173. Shettleworth, Cognition, evolution, and behavior, 2010.
  174. Shields, An Interview with Anarcha-Transnational Feminist Sarat Colling, 2010.
  175. Shields, Interview with animal liberation activist and former political prisoner Peter..., 2010.
  176. Shields, Interview with author, anarchist and feminist Abbey Willis, 2010.
  177. Shipman, The animal connection and human evolution, 2010.
  178. Singer, Wim Delvoye: The Controversial Pig, 2010.
  179. Smith, Hund erlebt zum 400sten Mal hintereinander den besten Tag seines..., 2010.
  180. Snæbjörnsdóttir, Falling Asleep With a Pig, 2010.
  181. Snæbjörnsdóttir, Radio Animal, 2010.
  182. Sorenson, About Canada: animal rights, 2010.
  183. Spickernagel, Der Fortgang der Tiere: Darstellungen in Menagerien und in der..., 2010.
  184. Steiner, Anthropocentrism and its discontents: the moral status of animals in..., 2010.
  185. Steiner, Tierrecht und die Grenzen des Postmodernismus. Der Fall Derrida, 2010.
  186. Stănescu, “Green” Eggs and Ham? The Myth of Sustainable Meat and..., 2010.
  187. Swart, Riding high: horses, humans and history in South Africa, 2010.
  188. Sztybel, Animal Absolutes: Liberation Sociology’s Missing Links – Part II of..., 2010.
  189. Sztybel, Rebuttal #2 to Dr. Perlo on Intrinsic versus Extrinsic Appeals, 2010.
  190. Söffner, On nostalgia (and Homer), 2010.
  191. Thierman, "Apparatuses of Animality: Foucault Goes to a Slaughterhouse.", 2010.
  192. Tomasello, Die Ursprünge der menschlichen Kommunikation, 2010.
  193. Triscott, Journeys Across Disciplines: The Arts Catalyst, 2010.
  194. Turnbull, The Horse in Landscape: Animals, Grooming, Labour and the City..., 2010.
  195. Turner, When Species Kiss: some recent correspondence between animots, 2010.
  196. Tønnessen, Is a wolf wild as long as it does not..., 2010.
  197. Vint, Animal alterity: science fiction and the question of the animal, 2010.
  198. Volkmann, Von Gärten und Pflanzen im Märchen: „In einem Augenblick war..., 2010.
  199. Warkentin, Interspecies Etiquette: An Ethics of Paying Attention to Animals, 2010.
  200. Weida, Flesh-Pots and Clay Bodies, 2010.
  201. Weil, A report on the animal turn, 2010.
  202. White, Interview with Anthony J. Nocella, II on Academic Repression: Reflections..., 2010.
  203. Wilkie, Livestock/deadstock: working with farm animals from birth to slaughter, 2010.
  204. Williams, Giraffe, 2010.
  205. Wolfe, Animal Studies. Disciplinarity, and the (Post) Humanities, 2010.
  206. Wolfe, What is posthumanism?, 2010.
  207. Wuketits, Die Entdeckung des Verhaltens: eine Geschichte der Verhaltensforschung, 2010.
  208. Zitzlsperger, Märchenhafte Pflanzen und Tiere als Funktionsträger., 2010.
  209. Zitzlsperger, Märchenhafte Tiere und Pflanzen als Funktionsträger in einer „eindimensionalen" Lebenswelt, 2010.