Book published in 2011
Found 276 books from the year 2011
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- Abram, Becoming animal: an earthly cosmology, 2011.
- Ackroyd, Beuys’ Acorns, 2011.
- Aloi, Beyond Animal Liberation, 2011.
- Aloi, Gregory Pryor: Postcolonial Botany, 2011.
- Aloi, Sue Coe: I Am an Animal Rights Activist Artist, 2011.
- Aloi, The Lost Forest, 2011.
- Alves, The animals of Spain: an introduction to imperial perceptions and..., 2011.
- Andrews, Beyond anthropomorphism. Attributing psychological properties to animals, 2011.
- Angerer, Menschen & Andere. Einleitung in den Schwerpunkt, 2011.
- Antennae readers, The Silence of the Plants, 2011.
- Bailly, The animal side, 2011.
- Baker, Steve Baker: What are the Relevant Questions?, 2011.
- Beauchamp, The Oxford handbook of animal ethics, 2011.
- Beaulieu, The Status of Animality in Deleuze’s Thought, 2011.
- Beck, Animal and Child Health and Development, 2011.
- Behringer, Tierverwandlung, 2011.
- Bennison, Animal Rights and the Politics of Literary Representation, 2011.
- Benton, Humanism=Speciesism? Marx on Humans and Animals, 2011.
- Biehler, Embodied Wildlife Histories and the Urban Landscape, 2011.
- Blewitt, The media, animal conservation and environmental education, 2011.
- Blécourt, Tierverwandlungen: Codierungen und Diskurse, 2011.
- Boddice, Anthropocentrism: humans, animals, environments, 2011.
- Boddice, Tierkampf, 2011.
- Boddice, Tierschutz, 2011.
- Boehrer, A cultural history of animals in the renaissance, 2011.
- Bough, Donkey, 2011.
- Broglio, Surface encounters: thinking with animals and art, 2011.
- Broom, A History of Animal Welfare Science, 2011.
- Brower, Developing animals: wildlife and early American photography, 2011.
- Brown, Animals in Space, 2011.
- Brown, Fantasizing Ants: Literary Entomology as Environmental Advocacy, 2011.
- Buchanan, Painting the Prehuman: Bataille, Merleau-Ponty, and the Aesthetic Origins of..., 2011.
- Bäumler, Steinpflanzen und Pflanzentiere. Vom Störtfall zur universalen Ordnung., 2011.
- Camenzind, Klonen von Tieren - eine ethische Auslegeordnung, 2011.
- Carlson, Furry Cartography: Performing Species, 2011.
- Carter, Human and other animals: critical perspectives, 2011.
- Chaline, Fifty animals that changed the course of history, 2011.
- Chamberlain, Lois Weinberger: Green Man, 2011.
- Chatterjee, The Political Animal and the Politics of 9/11, 2011.
- Chimaira - Arbeitskreis für Human-A, Der Fleischvergleich Sexismuskritik in der Tierrechts-/Tierbefreiungsbewegung, 2011.
- Chimaira - Arbeitskreis für Human-A, Gesichter der Befreiung Eine bildgeschichtliche Analyse der visuellen Repräsentation der..., 2011.
- Chimaira - Arbeitskreis für Human-A, Vom moralischen Aufschrei gegen Tierversuche zu radikaler Gesellschaftskritik Zur Bedeutung..., 2011.
- Chimaira - Arbeitskreis für Human-A, Von mächtigen Repräsentationen und ungehörten Artikulationen Die Sprache der Mensch-Tier-Verhältnisse, 2011.
- Chimaira - Arbeitskreis für Human-A, Zum Verhältnis von Hardcore-Szene und veganer Biografie Eine qualitative Untersuchung, 2011.
- Chimaira - Arbeitskreis für Human-Animal Studies, Eine Einführung in Gesellschaftliche Mensch-Tier-Verhältnisse und Human-Animal-Studies, 2011.
- Chimaira--Arbeitskreis für Human-Animal Studies, Human-Animal Studies: über die gesellschaftliche Natur von Mensch-Tier-Verhältnissen, 2011.
- Chrulew, Hunting the Mammoth, Pleistocene to Postmodern, 2011.
- Chrulew, Reversing Extinction: Restoration and Resurrection in the Pleistocene Rewilding Project, 2011.
- Cincinnati, The Visibility of Violence, 2011.
- Cole, From “Animal Machines” to “Happy Meat”? Foucault’s Ideas of Disciplinary..., 2011.
- Cole, The dicursive representation of nunhuman animals in a culture of..., 2011.
- Copeland, Animal Centric Graphic Novels: An Annotated Bibliography, 2011.
- Copeland, Pride of Baghdad, 2011.
- Corman, Getting Their Hands Dirty: Raccoons, Freegans, and Urban “Trash”, 2011.
- Crawfard, Silent Running, 2011.
- Cronin, ‘”Can’t you talk?” Voice and Visual Culture in 19th Century..., 2011.
- Cudworth, Social lives with other animals: tales of sex, death and..., 2011.
- Davis, Creaturely Rhetorics., 2011.
- Davis, In the Company of Trees, 2011.
- Davis, The Tiger Next Door, 2011.
- DeKoven, Species Matters: Humane Advocacy and Cultural Theory, 2011.
- Donaldson, Zoopolis: a political theory of animal rights, 2011.
- Donovan, Aestheticizing Animal Cruelty., 2011.
- Dudek, Von Raben und Wölfen. Eine Allianz aus Vogel und Säuger..., 2011.
- Durré, Phytophobia australis, 2011.
- Därmann, Von Tieren und Menschen. Martin Heidegger, Jaques Derrida und die..., 2011.
- Eitler, >>Weil sie fühlen, was wir fühlen<<. Menschen, Tiere und die..., 2011.
- Eitler, Der "Ursprung" der Gefühle - reizbare Menschen und reizbare Tiere, 2011.
- Eitler, Der ‚Ursprung‘ der Gefühle – reizbare Tiere und reizbare Menschen., 2011.
- Fellenz, A Trace of Kinship: The Place of Animals in Environmental..., 2011.
- Fijn, Living with herds: human-animal coexistence in Mongolia, 2011.
- Filippi, Pissing Angels, 2011.
- Fine, Handbook on Animal-Assisted Therapy. Theoretical Foundations and Guidelines for Practice, 2011.
- Franklin, Future Mix: Remodelling Biological Futures, 2011.
- Freeman, Considering animals: contemporary studies in human-animal relations, 2011.
- Freeman, Giving Voice to the Voiceless: Incorporating Nonhuman Animal Perspectives as..., 2011.
- Frost, Zoos and Tourism. Conservation, Education, Entertainment, 2011.
- Fürstenauer, Wie kam die Katze auf das Sofa? Eine Kulturgeschichte., 2011.
- Gamerschlag, Intersektionelle Human-Animal Studies – Ein historischer Abriss des Unity-of-oppression-Gedankens und..., 2011.
- Gerhardt, Thinking With. Animals in Schopenhauer, Horkheimer and Adorno, 2011.
- Gessert, Divine Plants and Magical Animal, 2011.
- Gigliotti, Leonardo's choice: genetic technologies and animals, 2011.
- Gigliotti, The Case for Animal Rights, 2011.
- Giuriato, "Wolf der Wüste": "Michael Kohlhaas" und die Rettung des Lebens, 2011.
- Gore, Risk frames on shark diving websites: implications for global shark..., 2011.
- Gorski, Strategic Oppositionality to the Animal Rights “Antis”: Identity-Building and the..., 2011.
- Gouabault, Genuine Zoocentrism or Dogged Anthropocentrism? On the Personification of Animal..., 2011.
- Grosz, Becoming undone: Darwinian reflections on life, politics, and art, 2011.
- Gruen, Ethics and animals: an introduction, 2011.
- Gullone, Conceptionalising animal abuse with an antisocial behaviour framework, 2011.
- Hansen, Infancy, Animality and the Limits of Language in the Work..., 2011.
- Hastedt, Die Wirkungsmacht konstruierter Andersartigkeit. Strukturelle Analogien zwischen Mensch-Tier-Dualismus und Geschlechterbinarität, 2011.
- Hatry, Flowers of Deceit, 2011.
- Hediger, The Elephant in the Writing Room: Sympathy and Weakness in..., 2011.
- Hempen, Wolfsvieh, Flügelbär und König Etzels Grab…: ungezähmte Natur als falscher..., 2011.
- Herman, Storyworld/Umwelt: Nonhuman Experiences in Graphic Narratives., 2011.
- Heymans, Eating Girls: Deleuze and Guattari's Becoming-Animal and the Romantic Sublime..., 2011.
- Hildebrandt, Vergeschlechtlichte Tiere. Eine queer-theoretische Betrachtung der gesellschaftlichen Mensch-Tier-Verhältnisse, 2011.
- Hochschartner, Josh Harper discusses animal rights history, welfarism and “Star Wars”, 2011.
- Holland, Unlikely friendships: 47 remarkable stories from the animal kingdom, 2011.
- Holmberg, Unfamiliar biological futurities: Animals in technoscience (an introduction to Sarah..., 2011.
- Houle, Animal, Vegetable, Mineral: Ethics as Extension or Becoming? The Case..., 2011.
- Hursthouse, Virtue ethics and the treatment of animals, 2011.
- Häberlein, Tierhandel, 2011.
- Höfele, Stage, stake, and scaffold: humans and animals in Shakespeare's theatre, 2011.
- Hüppauf, Vom Frosch: eine Kulturgeschichte zwischen Tierphilosophie und Ökologie, 2011.
- Ingensiep, Tierversuch, 2011.
- Jaeger, Vogelhaltung, 2011.
- Jalais, Forest of tigers: people, politics and environment in the Sundarbans, 2011.
- Janich, Was ist mit dem Wissen der Tiere?, 2011.
- Jauss, Untersuchungen zur mittelalterlichen Tierdichtung, 2011.
- Jennbert, Animals and humans: recurrent symbiosis in archaeology and Old Norse..., 2011.
- Kac, Natural History of the Enigma, 2011.
- Kalof, Animal Deaths and the Written Record of History: The Politics..., 2011.
- Kalof, Animal Meaning in T. S. Eliot's Old Possum's Book of..., 2011.
- Kalof, Animal Writes: Historiography, Disciplinarity, and the Animal Trace, 2011.
- Kalof, Animals at the End pf the World: Notes toward a..., 2011.
- Kalof, Cannibalism, Consumption, and Kinship in Animal Studies, 2011.
- Kalof, Golden Retrievers are White, Pit Bulls Are Black, and Chihuahuas..., 2011.
- Kalof, Interspecies Families, Freelance Dogs, and Personhood: Saved Lives and being..., 2011.
- Kalof, Making animal meaning, 2011.
- Kalof, Mobility and the Making of Animal Meaning: The Kinetics of..., 2011.
- Kalof, On the Trail of the Devil Cat: Hunting for the..., 2011.
- Kalof, The Meaning of Animal Portraiture in a Museum Setting: Implications..., 2011.
- Kalof, The Renaissance Transformation of Animal Meanings: From Petrarch to Montaihgne, 2011.
- Kappeler, “Jenseits von Mensch und Tier. Science, Fiction und Gender in..., 2011.
- Karnicky, Ornithological Biography, Animal Studies, and Starling Subjectivity, 2011.
- Kean, Traces and Representations: Animal Pasts in London's Present, 2011.
- Keen, Fast Tracks to Narrative Empathy: Anthropomorphism and Dehumanization in Graphic..., 2011.
- Kemmerer, Call to compassion: reflections on animal advocacy from the world's..., 2011.
- Kemmerer, Sister species: women, animals and social justice, 2011.
- Kete, A cultural history of animals in the age of empire, 2011.
- King, Lobster, 2011.
- Knight, Herding monkeys to paradise how macaque troops are managed for..., 2011.
- Knight, The Costs and Benefits of Animal Experiments, 2011.
- Kordecki, Ecofeminist subjectivities: Chaucer's talking birds, 2011.
- Korsgaard, Interacting with animals. A Kantian account, 2011.
- Krebber, Tiere, 2011.
- Krüger, Tierische (Ge)fährten, 2011.
- Kugler, Freuds Chimären: vom Narrativ des Tieres in der Psychoanalyse, 2011.
- Kuhl, Representing Animal-Others in Educational Research, 2011.
- Lewis, The Future of the Image in Critical Pedagogy, 2011.
- Lloro-Bidart, They call them 'good-luck polka dots': disciplining bodies, bird biopower,..., 2011.
- Lloyd, Runing With and Like my Dog. An Animate Curriculum for..., 2011.
- Losa, Human and Nonhuman Animals, Mutually at Risk: A Study of..., 2011.
- MacGregor, Animal encounters: humans and animals in Britain from the Norman..., 2011.
- Macho, Vorbilder, 2011.
- Mackintosh, Crusoe's abattoir: cannibalism and animal slaughter in Robinson Crusoe: Cannibalism..., 2011.
- Malamud, A cultural history of animals in the modern age, 2011.
- Mangelsdorf, Grenzauslotung einer anthrozoologischen Ethnographie der Mensch-Pferd-Beziehung, 2011.
- Mangum, Narrative Dominion or The Animals Write Back? Animal Genres in..., 2011.
- Marran, The Wolf-man speaks, 2011.
- Martin, When Sharks (Don't) Attack: Wild Animal Agency in Historical Narratives, 2011.
- Marvin, Animal Rights and Wrongs, 2011.
- Matala de Mazza, Body Politics, 2011.
- Mayr, Die Deklaration von Basel: Eine kritische Betrachtung, 2011.
- Mayr, Die Mensch-Tier-Beziehung unter ethischem Aspekt, 2011.
- Mayr, Die „Würde des Tieres“ – Grund oder Gegenstand einer Güterabwägung?, 2011.
- Mayr, Gesellschaftliche Differenzierung und moralische Widersprüche in Mensch-Tier-Beziehungen: ein soziologischer Abriss, 2011.
- Mayr, In dubio pro animale – zum Ethikranking der bundesdeutschen Hochschulen, 2011.
- Mayr, Tierwürde, 2011.
- Mayr, Weiterentwicklung der Internetplattform „InVitroJobs“ Jobbörse und Arbeitsgruppennetzwerk für die tierversuchsfreie..., 2011.
- Mayr, Würde erster und zweiter Klasse?, 2011.
- Mayr, „Würde des Tieres“ aus rechtsphilosophischer Sicht, 2011.
- McGarry, Familiar Contact: Plants in Mexica (Atzec) Stone Sculpture, 2011.
- McHugh, Animal stories: narrating across species lines, 2011.
- McHugh, “Fanciful and Very Much Alive: Plants, Prints and Drawings, 2011.
- McShane, The Horse in the City: Living Machines in the Nineteenth-Century, 2011.
- McWeeny, Sounding Depth with the North Atlantic Right Whale and Merleau-Ponty:..., 2011.
- Miklósi, Hunde: Evolution, Kognition und Verhalten, 2011.
- Milam, Looking for a few good males: female choice in evolutionary..., 2011.
- Miller, Just Don't Call Me "Mom": Pros and Cons of A..., 2011.
- Mizelle, Pig, 2011.
- Molloy, Popular media and animals, 2011.
- Munk, Ungeheure Massen. Tierbilder für das Phänomen der Massenhaften in der..., 2011.
- Möhring, >>Herrentiere<< und >>Untermenschen<<. Zu den Transformationen des Mensch-Tier-Verhältnisses im nationalsozialistischen..., 2011.
- Müller-Wille, Vom Sexualsystem zur Karteikarte. Carl von Linnés Papiertechnologien, 2011.
- Neimanis, “Strange Kinship” and Ascidian Life: 13 Repetitions, 2011.
- Newmyer, Animals in Greek and Roman thought: a sourcebook, 2011.
- Nies, Republikanischer Wolf im Fuchspelz [Rezension], 2011.
- Nimmo, Bovine Mobilities and Vital Movements: Flows of Milk, Mediation and..., 2011.
- Nobrega, Leaves System: Communicating with Plants, 2011.
- O'Sullivan, Animals, Equality and Democracy, 2011.
- Oh, Animal Rights vs. Cultural Rights: Exploring the Dog Meat Debate..., 2011.
- Osterhammel, Die Verwandlung der Welt: eine Geschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts, 2011.
- O’Brien, Lauren Berkowitz: Manna, 2011.
- Pachirat, Every twelve seconds: industrialized slaughter and the politics of sight, 2011.
- Pasquali, Beyond Gardens, 2011.
- Pastoureau, Bestiaires du Moyen Âge, 2011.
- Peggs, Risk, Human Health, and the Opression of Nonhuman Animals: The..., 2011.
- Peil, Tierdichtung, 2011.
- Peled, Discussing Animal Rights and the Arts, 2011.
- Periz, Waiting: a Medicinal Garden for Ailing Plants, 2011.
- Petersen, Die Einstellung zum Nutztier. Empirische Generierung von Einstellungstypen unter Einbezug..., 2011.
- Pettman, Human error: species--being and media machines, 2011.
- Pick, Creaturely poetics: animality and vulnerability in literature and film, 2011.
- Pil and Galia Kollectiv, Asparagus: A Horticultural Ballet, 2011.
- Preece, Animal sensibility and inclusive justice in the age of Bernard..., 2011.
- Pritikin, Futurefarmers, 2011.
- Radkau, Die Ära der Ökologie: eine Weltgeschichte, 2011.
- Rainwater, “Haunted by Birds: An Eco-critical View of Personhood in The..., 2011.
- Regan, Animal Rigths, Human Wrongs, 2011.
- Rheinz, Zwischen Streichelzoo und Schlachthof: über das ambivalente Verhältnis zwischen Mensch..., 2011.
- Richter, Literature after Darwin: human beasts in western fiction, 1859-1939, 2011.
- Rizk, Jonathan Horowitz’s Reclamation of a Meat Plant, 2011.
- Rollin, Putting the horse before Descartes: my life's work on behalf..., 2011.
- Roscher, "Where is the Animal in this Text?" - Chancen und..., 2011.
- Rose, Wild dog dreaming: love and extinction, 2011.
- Ryan, Animals and Social Work: A Moral Introduction, 2011.
- Salaud, Janaina Tschäpe Botanica, 2011.
- Salaud, Let’s be Simple for Starters:, 2011.
- Salisbury, The beast within: animals in the Middle Ages, 2011.
- Sanbonmatsu, Critical theory and animal liberation, 2011.
- Savvides, "Loving-knowing" women and horses: Symbolic connections, real life conflicts and..., 2011.
- Sax, City of ravens: the extraordinary history of London, the tower..., 2011.
- Schaffner, An Introduction to Animals and the Law, 2011.
- Schlatzer, Tierproduktion und Klimawandel: ein wissenschaftlicher Diskurs zum Einfluss der Ernährung..., 2011.
- Schlegl-Kofler, Hundeschule für jeden Tag: Erziehung, die dem Hund Spaß macht, 2011.
- Schmidt, Concepts of animal welfare in relation to positions in animal..., 2011.
- Schmidt, Die Physiognomie der Tiere: von der Poetik der Fauna zur..., 2011.
- Schu, Reinhart, Ysengrimus, Sanguileo & Co. Das europäische Tierepos des Mittelalters..., 2011.
- Schöller, Veterinärmedizin, 2011.
- Scruton, The Moral Status of Animals, 2011.
- Sebeok, ‘Talking’ with Animals: Zoosemiotics Explained [1990]., 2011.
- Segerdahl, Undisciplined animals: invitations to animal studies, 2011.
- Selter, Wildtiere, 2011.
- Sennett, Fleisch und Stein: der Körper und die Stadt in der..., 2011.
- Serpell, Historical and Cultural Perspectives on Human-Pet Interactions, 2011.
- Sewell, Black Beauty, 2011.
- Shapin, Leviathan and the air-pump Hobbes, Boyle, and the experimental life, 2011.
- Sharp, Animal Affects: Spinoza and the Frontiers of the Human, 2011.
- Siegel, Pet Ownership and Health, 2011.
- Sieglerschmidt, Tierzucht, 2011.
- Simondon, Tier und Mensch: zwei Vorlesungen, 2011.
- Singer, Practical ethics, 2011.
- Skabelund, Empire of dogs: canines, Japan, and the making of the..., 2011.
- Smith, Monsters of the Gevaudan: the making of a beast, 2011.
- Smith, Tier, 2011.
- Squier, Poultry science, chicken culture: a partial alphabet, 2011.
- Steel, How to make a human: animals and violence in the..., 2011.
- Steinbrecher, Hunde und Menschen. Ein Grenzen auslotender Blick auf ihr Zusammenleben..., 2011.
- Stone, Flora, 2011.
- Stühring, Der Seuche begegnen: Deutung und Bewältigung von Rinderseuchen im Kurfürstentum..., 2011.
- Sukumar, The story of Asia's elephants, 2011.
- Tait, Wild and dangerous performances: animals, emotions, circus, 2011.
- Taylor, Theorizing Animals Re-thinking Humanimal Relations, 2011.
- Theml, Moby Dick; oder: der Wal. Beibuch. / Von Katharina Theml..., 2011.
- Thierman, The Vulnerability of Other Animals, 2011.
- This, Ecofeminist Themes in The Facts in the Case of the..., 2011.
- Toepfer, Historisches Wörterbuch der Biologie: Geschichte und Theorie der biologischen Grundbegriffe., 2011.
- Toepfer, Historisches Wörterbuch der Biologie: Geschichte und Theorie der biologischen Grundbegriffe...., 2011.
- Toepfer, Historisches Wörterbuch der Biologie: Geschichte und Theorie der biologischen Grundbegriffe...., 2011.
- Toepfer, Historisches Wörterbuch der Biologie: Geschichte und Theorie der biologischen Grundbegriffe...., 2011.
- Trewavas, Aspects of Plant Intelligence, 2011.
- Troßbach, Viehwirtschaft, 2011.
- Tsing, Unruly Edges: Mushrooms as Companion Species, 2011.
- Tuvel, “Veil of Shame”: Derrida, Sarah Bartmann and Animality, 2011.
- Unknown author, Subsistenzwirtschaft - Vasall, 2011.
- Unknown author, Vater - Wirtschaftswachstum, 2011.
- Unknown author, ‚Weil sie fühlen, was wir fühlen‘. Menschen, Tiere und die..., 2011.
- Van Dooren, Vulture, 2011.
- Verein für Geschichte und Sozialkunde, Sinnbild – Nutztier – Schauobjekt. Tiere in historischer Perspektive, 2011.
- Vinken, Bestien: Kleist und die Deutschen, 2011.
- Waldau, Animal rights: what everyone needs to know, 2011.
- Wallen, Foxhounds, Curs, and the Dawn of Breeding. The Discourse of..., 2011.
- Watt, Artists, Animals and Ethics, 2011.
- Weisberg, Animal Repression. Speciesism as Pathology, 2011.
- Weitbrecht, Verwandlung zur Konversion. Die Lektüre des Goldenen Esels als Auto¬bio¬gra-phie..., 2011.
- Welzel, Tiere malen und Bilder machen, 2011.
- Wirth, Fragmente einer anthropozentrismus-kritischen Herrschaftsanalytik : zur Frage der Anwendbarkeit von..., 2011.
- Wolfe, Moving Forward, Kicking Back. The Animal Turn., 2011.
- Wood, Community Benefits of Human-Animal Interactions ... the Ripple Effect, 2011.
- Woods, A historical synopsis of farm animal disease and public policy..., 2011.
- Wrenn, Resisting the Globalization of Speciesism: Vegan Abolitionism as a Site..., 2011.
- Yang, Animal Stories, Natural Histories & Creaturely Wonders in Narrative Mini-Zines, 2011.
- Zilcha-Mano, Pet in the therapy room. An attachment perspective on animal-assisted..., 2011.