Book published in 2018

Found 474 books from the year 2018

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  1. Aaltola, Varieties of empathy: moral psychology and animal ethics, 2018.
  2. Adams, Burger, 2018.
  3. Adams, Provocations from the field: Female Reproductive Exploitation Comes Home, 2018.
  4. Alattas, Shattered, 2018.
  5. Allen, Animal Resistors: On the Right of Resistance and Human Duties..., 2018.
  6. Aloi, An Anthrioposcene, 2018.
  7. Aloi, Climate Activism in 2018, 2018.
  8. Aloi, History and Forgetting, 2018.
  9. Aloi, Speculative taxidermy: natural history, animal surfaces, and art in the..., 2018.
  10. Aloi, To the Heart of the Matter, 2018.
  11. Aloi, Unthought Environments, 2018.
  12. Aloi, White Wanderer, 2018.
  13. Amir, Schwein und Zeit: Tiere, Politik, Revolte, 2018.
  14. Atkinson, Alexis Wright’s Literary Testimony to Intersecting Traumas, 2018.
  15. Bartelmus, Butterfly Effects, 2018.
  16. Benvegnù, Animals and Animality in Primo Levi’s Work, 2018.
  17. Benz, Michael McClure: Meat Thyself, 2018.
  18. Bezan, Approaching Apocalypse: The Typology of Animals in Nicola Barker’s In..., 2018.
  19. Bezan, Be/Holding Each Other: Transgenic Invisibilities, Anomaly, and Subjectivity in the..., 2018.
  20. Bezan, Becoming Animal and the Two Meanings of Animality: A Derridean..., 2018.
  21. Bezan, Chris Marker’s Alter Egos: The Camera and the Cat, 2018.
  22. Bezan, Do Androids Dream of Derrida’s Cat? The Unregulated Emotion of..., 2018.
  23. Bezan, Introduction: Seeing Animals after Derrida, 2018.
  24. Bezan, Scenting Wild: Olfactory Panic and Jack London’s Ocular Dogs, 2018.
  25. Bezan, Seeing animals after Derrida, 2018.
  26. Bezan, The Anterior Animal: Derrida, Deep Time, and Immersive Vision of..., 2018.
  27. Bezan, The Loaded Cat, 2018.
  28. Bezan, The Surreal Gaze of the Animal Other: Uncanny Encounters in..., 2018.
  29. Bezan, The Wolves of the World: Derrida on the Political Symbolism..., 2018.
  30. Bezan, “The Dignity of Mankind”: Edward Tyson’s Anatomy of a Pygmie..., 2018.
  31. Bezan, “The Most Famous Dog in History”: Mourning the Animot in..., 2018.
  32. Black, 7000 Marks, 2018.
  33. Blattner, Wildtiere im Umwelt- und Tierschutzrecht: Zwischen Skylla und Charybdis?, 2018.
  34. Blokhuis, The Praxis of Horse Riding – An Autoethnographic Study, 2018.
  35. Boisseron, Afro-dog: blackness and the animal question, 2018.
  36. Bolen, Site A/Plot M, 2018.
  37. Bolender, If Not for Her Spots: on the art of un/naming..., 2018.
  38. Borgards, Off Cage. Kleists Herrmannsbärin., 2018.
  39. Boyde, Animal Studies Journal, 2018.
  40. Boyde, Animal Studies Journal, 2018.
  41. Boyde, The Dairy Issue: ‘Practicing the Art of War’, 2018.
  42. Braverman, Saving Species, One Individual at a Time: Zoo Veterinarians Between..., 2018.
  43. Breyer, Details of Detachment and Human Specificity Lessons of Nonhuman Primates..., 2018.
  44. Breyer, Habits We (Can) Share Human-Animal Encounters, 2018.
  45. Breyer, Honeybees in the Life and Religion of the People of..., 2018.
  46. Breyer, Interspecies Performance The Composition of the Arabian Show Horse as..., 2018.
  47. Breyer, Killing a Wounded Sow A Phenomenological Approach to a Problematic..., 2018.
  48. Breyer, Lions and Flies Forager-Animal Situations, 2018.
  49. Breyer, MAMMOTHSTEPPE-LIFE Mammoths, Owls, and Other Creatures: Sketching the Trail Towards..., 2018.
  50. Breyer, On Horseback Horse-Human Situations in Trail Riding, 2018.
  51. Breyer, The Situationality of Animal Borders From Phenomenology to Natural History..., 2018.
  52. Breyer, The situationality of human-animal relations: perspectives from anthropology and philosophy, 2018.
  53. Breyer, The Situationality of the Lifeworld Reflections on Key Terms Concerning..., 2018.
  54. Breyer, “Fish are either there, or they aren’t” A Contra-Species Ethnography..., 2018.
  55. Bruder, Apocalyptic Visions, Heroism, and Intersections of the Human and ‘the..., 2018.
  56. Bruder, Beastly Blake, 2018.
  57. Bruder, Bestial Metamorphoses: Blake’s Variations on Transhuman Change in Dante’s Hell, 2018.
  58. Bruder, Blake as Shaman: The Neuroscience of Hallucinations and Milton’s Lark, 2018.
  59. Bruder, Blake’s ‘Auguries of Innocence’ as/in Radical Animal Politics, c.1800, 2018.
  60. Bruder, Blake’s ‘Horses of Instruction’, 2018.
  61. Bruder, From Vampire to Apollo: William Blake’s Ghosts of the Flea,..., 2018.
  62. Bruder, In the Company of Wolves: Blake’s Lyca Poems as Political..., 2018.
  63. Bruder, Introduction: ‘Conversing with the Animal forms of Wisdom’, 2018.
  64. Bruder, News from the Thames (Blake! There’s Something in the Water), 2018.
  65. Bruder, ‘How sweet is the Shepherds sweet lot’? Sheep in Blake’s..., 2018.
  66. Bruder, ‘Train of Elephants’: Blake’s (Un)Tamed Beasts and Hayley’s Animal Ballads, 2018.
  67. Büscher, N. Büscher: Im Spiegel Der Katze: Kulturökologische Aspekte in Marlen..., 2018.
  68. Calvert, Ready for the Robot: Bovines in the Integrated Circuit, 2018.
  69. Carey, The Living Surface' Interviewer: Giovanni Aloi / Interviewee: Lizan Freijsen, 2018.
  70. Caulfield, Animals in Australia: use and abuse, 2018.
  71. Clover, Reading Aloud Matters, 2018.
  72. Coe, Zooicide: seeing cruelty, demanding abolition, 2018.
  73. Colby, Orca: how we came to know and love the ocean's..., 2018.
  74. Constantin, Machines Will Watch Us Die, 2018.
  75. Coorey, Animal Victims of Domestic and Family Violence: Raising Youth Awareness, 2018.
  76. Curran, Fossils of Time Future, 2018.
  77. Cusack, Fish, justice, and society, 2018.
  78. Day, Sardine, 2018.
  79. Derry, Humanimalia Roundtable on Breed, 2018.
  80. Dierdoff, The Aesthetics of Eden, 2018.
  81. Driscoll, Between Encounter and Release: Animal Presences in Two Contemporary American..., 2018.
  82. Driscoll, Coda: Speaking, Reading, Writing, 2018.
  83. Driscoll, Heading South into Town: ipipipipipipip, ah yeah, um, we’re gonna,..., 2018.
  84. Driscoll, Hunting Narratives: Capturing the Lives of Animals, 2018.
  85. Driscoll, Impersonal Love: Nightwood’s Poetics of Mournful Entanglement, 2018.
  86. Driscoll, Introduction: What Is Zoopoetics?, 2018.
  87. Driscoll, Myth, Absence, Haunting: Toward a Zoopoetics of Extinction, 2018.
  88. Driscoll, Prelude: I Observe with My Pen, 2018.
  89. Driscoll, Queering the Interspecies Encounter: Yoko Tawada’s Memoirs of a Polar..., 2018.
  90. Driscoll, Spinning Theory: Three Figures of Arachnopoetics, 2018.
  91. Driscoll, The Grammar of Zoopoetics: Human and Canine Language Play, 2018.
  92. Driscoll, The Light That Therefore I Give (to): Paleonymy and Animal..., 2018.
  93. Driscoll, What Is Zoopoetics?, 2018.
  94. Driscoll, “Constituents of a Chaos”: Whale Bodies and the Zoopoetics of..., 2018.
  95. Driscoll, “You Cannot Escape Your Moles”: The Becoming-Animal of Günter Eich’s..., 2018.
  96. Elfving, Experiments in Breathing, Contagious, 2018.
  97. Essen, Religion, Critical Animal Studies, and the Political Turn: Nonhuman Animal..., 2018.
  98. Ferdowsian, Phoenix zones: where strength is born and resilience lives, 2018.
  99. Feuerstein, Pet Keeping on the Internet: The Cultural Politics of Cat..., 2018.
  100. Flack, The wild within: histories of a landmark British zoo, 2018.
  101. Florsheim, Artefactual Surfaces, 2018.
  102. Gaikwad, Historische „Perspektivverschiebung“ auf Tiere in Marcel Beyers Kaltenburg, 2018.
  103. Gambaratto, Vital Forces, Teleology and Organization: Philosophy of Nature and the..., 2018.
  104. Gambert, From Rice Eaters to Soy Boys: Race, Gender, and Tropes..., 2018.
  105. Geisenhanslüke, Wolfsmänner: zur Geschichte einer schwierigen Figur, 2018.
  106. Geller, Bestiarium Judaicum: unnatural histories of the Jews, 2018.
  107. Glick, Infrahumanisms: science, culture, and the making of modern non/personhood, 2018.
  108. Govindrajan, Animal intimacies: interspecies relatedness in India's Central Himalayas, 2018.
  109. Grén, The concept of the animal and modern theories of art, 2018.
  110. Haas, Tiere auf der Bühne: eine ästhetische Ökologie der Performance, 2018.
  111. Hammerton, Decolonising the Waters: Interspecies Encounters Between Sharks and Humans, 2018.
  112. Hansen, Fuzzy Bounds: Doing Ethnography at the Limits of the Network..., 2018.
  113. Harrop, Here Lies Truth, 2018.
  114. Hayer, (Re-)Präsentation und Narration Der Löwe in Hans Blumenbergs Poetik der..., 2018.
  115. Hayer, Agens oder Patiens Die semantischen Rollen von Wolf und Hund..., 2018.
  116. Hayer, Alte Fragen – neue Antworten Die Kontinuität der Tierethik von..., 2018.
  117. Hayer, Can the Animal Speak? Sprechende ›Tiere‹ in literarischen Texten, 2018.
  118. Hayer, Der Film Bärenbrüder als Praxisumsetzung einer tiersensiblen Lektüre im Deutschunterricht..., 2018.
  119. Hayer, Der Paratext in Immanuel Kants Metaphysik der Sitten und seine..., 2018.
  120. Hayer, Die Entwicklung eines tiersensiblen Lehrplans für den Literaturunterricht im Rahmen..., 2018.
  121. Hayer, Die Letzten ihrer Art Ausgestorbene Tiere erzählen vom Artensterben, 2018.
  122. Hayer, Die Schwierigkeit der Wirklichkeit Cora Diamond über verschiedene Formen moralischen..., 2018.
  123. Hayer, Gegen den Strich gelesen Gotthold Ephraim Lessings Fabeln aus Sicht..., 2018.
  124. Hayer, Jägerinnen unter Jägern Rekonstruktion männlicher Herrschaft im Feld Jagd, 2018.
  125. Hayer, Literary Animal Studies: Ethische Dimensionen des Literaturunterrichts, 2018.
  126. Hayer, Rosa Hase: Bildende Kunst und tiersensible Didaktik, 2018.
  127. Hayer, Skizze einer Tierdidaktik mit anschließendem Unterrichtsentwurf, 2018.
  128. Hayer, Tierethik transdisziplinär: Literatur-Kultur-Didaktik, 2018.
  129. Hayer, Tierethische und literaturdidaktische Potenziale in Paul Maars Wiedersehen mit Herrn..., 2018.
  130. Hayer, Tierversuche und Versuchstiere in Clemens J. Setz’ Indigo (2012), 2018.
  131. Hayer, Tom Regans Philosophie für Tierrechte Subjekte des Lebens im Kontext..., 2018.
  132. Hayer, Zur Relevanz des Themas »Tierethik« im kompetenzorientierten Deutschunterricht Eine Betrachtung..., 2018.
  133. Hayer, »Ahhhhh… – I lost my appetite« Zu Isabella Rossellinis Green..., 2018.
  134. Hayer, »Irrtum und Heuchelei der Pflanzenesser« Zur Wahl sprachlicher Mittel in..., 2018.
  135. Hayer, »Komm, Rudi… Jetzt gehen wir schön in die Wohnung, erst..., 2018.
  136. Hayer, »Tiere sind die besseren Menschen« Moralisierungen im Web 2.0 aus..., 2018.
  137. Hayer, »¿On és la misericòrdia dels animals?« Zur Ethik des Tierverzehrs..., 2018.
  138. Helfant, That Savage Gaze: Wolves in the Nineteenth-Century Russian Imagination, 2018.
  139. Herman, Animal comics: multispecies storyworlds in graphic narratives, 2018.
  140. Herman, Animal Minds in Nonfiction Comics, 2018.
  141. Herman, Can We Be Part of the Pride? Reading Animals through..., 2018.
  142. Herman, Curly Tails and Flying Dogs: Structures of Affect in Nick..., 2018.
  143. Herman, Interspecies Relationships in Graphic Micronarratives: From Olivier Deprez to Avril-Deprez, 2018.
  144. Herman, Introduction: More-than-Human Worlds in Graphic Storytelling, 2018.
  145. Herman, Invasive Species: Manga's Insect-Human Worlds, 2018.
  146. Herman, Lions and Tigers and Fears: A Natural History of the..., 2018.
  147. Herman, Narratology beyond the Human. Storytelling and Animal Life., 2018.
  148. Herman, Resituating the Animal Comic: Environmentalist Aesthetics in Matt Dembicki's Xoc:..., 2018.
  149. Herman, The Animalized Character and Style, 2018.
  150. Herman, The Politics and Poetics of Alterity in Adam Hines's Duncan..., 2018.
  151. Herman, The Saga of the Animal as Visual Metaphor for Mixed-Race..., 2018.
  152. Herman, This is Home, 2018.
  153. Hester, „Die Schranken zwischen Tier und Mensch fallen sehr leicht“: Die..., 2018.
  154. Hevia, Animal labor and colonial warfare, 2018.
  155. Horsthemke, Animal Rights Education, 2018.
  156. Houser, Holes: The Semiotics of Urban Detritus and Decay, 2018.
  157. Hovanec, Animal subjects: literature, zoology, and British modernism, 2018.
  158. Huggins, Suffering for Utopia: ‘The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas’..., 2018.
  159. Höge, Die lustige Tierwelt und ihre ernste Erforschung, 2018.
  160. Itoh, Animals and the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster, 2018.
  161. Jacobs, Separation Anxiety: Canine Narrators and Modernist Isolation in Woolf, Twain..., 2018.
  162. Jacobs, Über LiteraTier, 2018.
  163. Jarzebowska, Follow the Rat. From Necropolitics to A Theory of Interspecies..., 2018.
  164. Kaarlenkaski, ‘Machine Milking is More Manly than Hand Milking’: Multispecies Agencies..., 2018.
  165. Kean, Animal matter in museums: exemplifying materiality, 2018.
  166. Kean, Animals and Violence: Medieval Humanism, ‘Medieval Brutality’, and the Carnivorous..., 2018.
  167. Kean, Animals in and at War, 2018.
  168. Kean, Animals in the History of Human and Veterinary Medicine, 2018.
  169. Kean, Animals, Agency, and History, 2018.
  170. Kean, Breeding and breed, 2018.
  171. Kean, Eating Animals, 2018.
  172. Kean, Exhibiting animals: zoos, menageries and circuses, 2018.
  173. Kean, Hunting and Animal-Human History, 2018.
  174. Kean, New Political History and the Writing of Animal Lives, 2018.
  175. Kean, Public History and Heritage: A Fruitful Approach for Privileging Animals?, 2018.
  176. Kean, Representing animals in the literature of Victorian Britain, 2018.
  177. Kean, Surviving Twentieth-Century Modernity: Birdsong and Emotions in Britain, 2018.
  178. Kean, The experimental animal: in search of a moral ecology of..., 2018.
  179. Kean, The great cat and dog massacre: the real story of..., 2018.
  180. Kean, The History of Emotional Attachment to Animals, 2018.
  181. Kean, The Other Citizens: Nationalism and Animals, 2018.
  182. Kean, The Routledge Companion to Animal-Human History, 2018.
  183. Kean, The triumph of animal history?, 2018.
  184. Kean, Topologies of Tenderness and Violence: Human-Animal Relations in Georgian England, 2018.
  185. Kean, When Adam and Eve were Monkeys: Anthropomorphism, Zoomorphism, and Other..., 2018.
  186. Kean, Wildlife Conservation as Cultural Memory, 2018.
  187. Kean, Writing in Animals in History, 2018.
  188. Kean, ‘And Has Not Art Promoted Our Work Also?’ Visual Culture..., 2018.
  189. Kell, Ticking, 2018.
  190. Klee, Inhumanist Art and the Decolonization of Nature, 2018.
  191. Kleinhans, (Un)Thinking Otherness: The Entanglement of Bios and Zoē in Rahel..., 2018.
  192. Kling, Unter Wölfen. Geschichten der Souveränität und der Zivilisation vom 30-jährigen..., 2018.
  193. Kowalik, Preserving Ephemeral Art, 2018.
  194. Krebber, A Dog’s Life: The Challenges and Possibilities of Animal Biography, 2018.
  195. Krebber, Animal Biography: Re-framing Animal Lives, 2018.
  196. Krebber, Animal Life Stories; or, the Making of Animal Subjects in..., 2018.
  197. Krebber, Caesar: The Rise and Dawn of a Humanimalistic Identity, 2018.
  198. Krebber, Finding a Man and his Horse in the Archive?, 2018.
  199. Krebber, Introduction: Biographies, Animals and Individuality, 2018.
  200. Krebber, Living, Biting Monitors, a Morose Howler and Other Infamous Animals:..., 2018.
  201. Krebber, Online Animal (Auto-)Biographies: What Does It Mean When We “Give..., 2018.
  202. Krebber, Postscript, Posthuman: Werner Herzog’s “Crocodile” at the End of the..., 2018.
  203. Krebber, Recovering and Reconstructing Animal Selves in Literary Autozoographies, 2018.
  204. Krebber, Taxidermy’s Literary Biographies, 2018.
  205. Krebber, The Elephant’s I: Looking for Abu’l Abbas, 2018.
  206. Krebber, Topsy: The Elephant We Must Never Forget, 2018.
  207. Krebber, “We Know Them All”: Does It Make Sense to Create..., 2018.
  208. Kreilkamp, Minor creatures: persons, animals, and the Victorian novel, 2018.
  209. Laird, Bat, 2018.
  210. Laszlo, Matter in Motion and the Mysticism of Nature's Colour, 2018.
  211. Lau, Die Zeitschrift für Kritische Tierstudien – eine kurze Einführung, 2018.
  212. Lau, Praktiken der Animalisierung und Dehumanisierung in den urbanen Gesellschaften des..., 2018.
  213. Lau, Zeitschrift für Kritische Tierstudien 1, 2018.
  214. Lawton, Shifting, 2018.
  215. Leich, Scaling Quelccaya, 2018.
  216. Lents, Not so different: finding human nature in animals, 2018.
  217. Linzey, Animal Justice as Non-Domination, 2018.
  218. Linzey, Animal Suffering Matters, 2018.
  219. Linzey, Bioengineering, Animal Advocacy, and the Ethics of Control, 2018.
  220. Linzey, Bullfighting: The Legal Protection of Suffering, 2018.
  221. Linzey, Chain of Fools: The Language of Power, 2018.
  222. Linzey, Comparing the Wrongness of Killing Humans and Killing Animals, 2018.
  223. Linzey, Elephants in Captivity, 2018.
  224. Linzey, Fishing for Trouble: The Ethics of Recreational Angling, 2018.
  225. Linzey, Free-Roaming Animals, Killing, and Suffering: The Case of African Elephants, 2018.
  226. Linzey, Human Duties, Animal Suffering, and Animal Rights: A Legal Reevaluation, 2018.
  227. Linzey, Incarceration, Liberty, and Dignity, 2018.
  228. Linzey, Introduction: The Challenge of Animal Ethics, 2018.
  229. Linzey, Introduction: The Ethics of Captivity, 2018.
  230. Linzey, Introduction: The Ethics of Causing Suffering, 2018.
  231. Linzey, Introduction: The Ethics of Control, 2018.
  232. Linzey, Introduction: The Ethics of Killing, 2018.
  233. Linzey, Killing Animals—Permitted by God? The Role of Christian Ethics in..., 2018.
  234. Linzey, Our Moral Duties to Ill and Aging Companion Animals, 2018.
  235. Linzey, Religious Slaughter: Science, Law, and Ethics, 2018.
  236. Linzey, Rethinking the Ethic of Human Dominance, 2018.
  237. Linzey, Smoke and Mirrors: An Analysis of Some Important Conceptions Used..., 2018.
  238. Linzey, Speciesism and the Ideology of Domination in the Italian Philosophical..., 2018.
  239. Linzey, Speciesism and Zoos: Shifting the Paradigm, Maintaining the Prejudice, 2018.
  240. Linzey, Suffering Existence: Nonhuman Animals and Ethics, 2018.
  241. Linzey, Suffering for Science and How Science Supports the End of..., 2018.
  242. Linzey, Suffering of Animals in Food Production: Problems and Practical Solutions, 2018.
  243. Linzey, The Dog that is Willing to Die: The “Ethics” of..., 2018.
  244. Linzey, The Ethics of Preservation: Where Psychology and Conservation Collide, 2018.
  245. Linzey, The Marine Mammal Captivity Issue: Time for a Paradigm Shift, 2018.
  246. Linzey, The Palgrave Handbook of Practical Animal Ethics, 2018.
  247. Linzey, Whales, Dolphins and Humans: Challenges in Interspecies Ethics, 2018.
  248. Linzey, What Is Morally Wrong with Killing Animals (if This Does..., 2018.
  249. Liu, Wayne Gabardi. The Next Social Contract: Animals, the Anthropocene, and..., 2018.
  250. Lockwood, Bodily Encounter, Bearing Witness and the Engaged Activism of the..., 2018.
  251. Malay, The Figure of the Animal in Modern and Contemporary Poetry, 2018.
  252. Marshall, Toad Media, 2018.
  253. Matthews, Why Animals and Religion Now?, 2018.
  254. Mavrokordopoulou, Copper Means Trouble, 2018.
  255. Mayr, "Invasive" Arten, 2018.
  256. Mayr, Der Umgang mit „invasiven“ Arten – eine kritische Analyse aus..., 2018.
  257. Mayr, Ethische und soziale Aspekte von In-vitro-Fleisch, 2018.
  258. Mayr, Fleisch, 2018.
  259. Mayr, Fleischproduktion – ein „vernünftiger Grund“ für die Tötung von Tieren, 2018.
  260. Mayr, Fremde Arten, 2018.
  261. Mayr, Gemeinwohlorientierung contra „Ökofaschismus“. Ethische Überlegungen zum Problem invasiver Arten, 2018.
  262. Mayr, Tiere essen – Tiere töten, 2018.
  263. Mayr, Vegetarier ohne Überzeugung? Eine pragmatische Lösung für den Konflikt ums..., 2018.
  264. Mayr, Von Hirschkühen, „Milchkühen“ und Waschbären: Begründung unterschiedlicher Hilfspflichten und ihre..., 2018.
  265. Mayr, Ökologische und soziale Probleme des überhöhten Fleischkonsums Überblick und Ansätze..., 2018.
  266. Mayr, „Invasive Arten“? Begriffliche, sachliche und ethische Klärungen tun not!, 2018.
  267. Mayr, „Keine halben Sachen, sondern ganze Tiere“ Hegemoniale Männlichkeitskonstruktion durch Fleischkonsum..., 2018.
  268. McCausland, The Ethics and Politics of Drones in Animal Activism, 2018.
  269. McKenna, Livestock: food, fiber, and friends, 2018.
  270. Meijer, Die Sprachen der Tiere, 2018.
  271. Meijer, The Good Life, the Good Death: Companion Animals and Euthanasia, 2018.
  272. Meyer, Inner animalities: theology and the end of the human, 2018.
  273. Middelhoff, Erzählen vom Tier(er-)leben. Zum Gattungswissen literarischer Autozoographien., 2018.
  274. Miller, In the eye of the animal: zoological imagination in ancient..., 2018.
  275. Mitrokhov, Interface Creep, 2018.
  276. Morgan, Antiquity of the Anthropocene, 2018.
  277. Morgan, Vibrating with Spider Silk, 2018.
  278. Mowson, bloodlines – Mammalian Motherhood, Biotechnologies and other Entanglements, 2018.
  279. Mowson, Skin and Flesh, 2018.
  280. Mönnig, Das übersehene Tier: eine kunstwissenschaftliche Betrachtung, 2018.
  281. Najdowski, Surfacing, 2018.
  282. Nash, A Perfect Nicking Pattern, 2018.
  283. Nimmo, Enfolding the BioSocial Collective: Ontological Politics in the Evolution of..., 2018.
  284. Oerlemans, Poetry and animals: blurring the boundaries with the human, 2018.
  285. Ohrem, Deep History, Interspecies Coevolution, and the Eco-imaginary, 2018.
  286. Ohrem, Dissolving into Visibility: Early American Natural History and the Corporeality..., 2018.
  287. Ohrem, Exploring Animal Encounters: Philosophical, Cultural, and Historical Perspectives, 2018.
  288. Ohrem, Hanging Together in a Touch: Friendship and Mourning in the..., 2018.
  289. Ohrem, Incorrect and Beautiful Anatomies: Becomings, Immanence, and Transspecies Bodies in..., 2018.
  290. Ohrem, Of Primates’ Bodies: Forms of Human-Other Primate Intercorporeality, 2018.
  291. Ohrem, Precarious Encounters, 2018.
  292. Ohrem, Some Thoughts on (Animal) Encounter, 2018.
  293. Ohrem, Such Beastly Behavior! Predation, Revenge, and the Question of Ethics, 2018.
  294. Ohrem, The Photographer and the Zoo: A Memoir of Mediated Encounters, 2018.
  295. Ohrem, The Three Ethologies, 2018.
  296. Parkinson, Animal Bodies and Embodies Visuality, 2018.
  297. Parreñas, Decolonizing extinction: the work of care in orangutan rehabilitation, 2018.
  298. Pendergrast, PETA, Patriarchy and Intersectionality, 2018.
  299. Plumb, Zebra, 2018.
  300. Poirier, The Continued Devaluation of Vegetarianism in Light of In Vitro..., 2018.
  301. Porter, Becoming a Research Rodent, 2018.
  302. Porter, Healing with Leeches, 2018.
  303. Porter, How to Act Industrial around Industrial Pigs, 2018.
  304. Porter, How to Be a Systematist, 2018.
  305. Porter, How to Build Rapport with Cats and Humans, 2018.
  306. Porter, How to Care for a Park with Birds: Birdwatchers’ Ecologies..., 2018.
  307. Porter, How to Make a Horse Have an Orgasm, 2018.
  308. Porter, How to Protect Yourself from the Dead with Cattle, 2018.
  309. Porter, How to Release Viruses from Birds: A Field Guide for..., 2018.
  310. Porter, How to Study Chimpanzees That Are Terrified of You: Adventures..., 2018.
  311. Porter, Introducing Zoo Gorillas, 2018.
  312. Porter, Living with animals: bonds across species, 2018.
  313. Porter, Making Babies with Cows, 2018.
  314. Porter, Oysterous, 2018.
  315. Porter, Read, Respond, Rescue, 2018.
  316. Porter, The Business: A Ferret’s Guide to the Lab Life, 2018.
  317. Porter, The Perils of Deference: How Not to Habituate Spotted Hyenas..., 2018.
  318. Porter, Walking with Dogs: Sharing Meaning, Sensation, and Inspiration across the..., 2018.
  319. Porter, With Animals: An Introduction, 2018.
  320. Porter, Working with a Service Dog in the United States, 2018.
  321. Porter, Yuendumu Dog Tales, 2018.
  322. Prins, (On) Diffracting Materiality, 2018.
  323. Quinn, A Vegan Form of Life, 2018.
  324. Quinn, Ethical Veganism as Protected Identity: Constructing a Creed Under Human..., 2018.
  325. Quinn, Introduction: Thinking Through Veganism, 2018.
  326. Quinn, Monstrous Vegan Narratives: Margaret Atwood’s Hideous Progeny, 2018.
  327. Quinn, On Refusal, 2018.
  328. Quinn, Remnants: The Witness and the Animal, 2018.
  329. Quinn, The Unpacking Plant: Gleaning the Lexicons of Lean Culture, 2018.
  330. Quinn, The Vegan Viewer in the Circum-Polar World; Or, J. H...., 2018.
  331. Quinn, Thinking Veganism in Literature and Culture, 2018.
  332. Quinn, Trojan Horses, 2018.
  333. Quinn, Vegan Cinema, 2018.
  334. Quinn, Vegans in the Interregnum: The Cultural Moment of an Enmeshed..., 2018.
  335. Raber, Animals at the Table: Performing Meat in Early Modern England..., 2018.
  336. Raber, Circus Minimus: The Early Modern Theater of Insects, 2018.
  337. Raber, Horses Queer the Stage and Society of Shenandoah, 2018.
  338. Raber, Intra-Active Performativity: Rethinking the Early Modern Equestrian Portrait, 2018.
  339. Raber, Introduction, 2018.
  340. Raber, Miss Mazeppa and the Horse with No Name, 2018.
  341. Raber, Past Performances: Gleanings from the Archives About Early Modern Equine..., 2018.
  342. Raber, Peaceable Kingdom: The Place of the Dog at the Nativity, 2018.
  343. Raber, Performing Animals: History, Agency, Theater, 2018.
  344. Raber, Performing Pain: The Suffering Animal in Early Modern Experiment, 2018.
  345. Raber, Shakespeare’s Insect Theater: Fairy Lore as Elizabethan Folk Entomology, 2018.
  346. Raber, “I See Them Galloping!”: War, Affect, and Performing Horses in..., 2018.
  347. Raewyn, Surface Active Agent, 2018.
  348. Ragusa, What if I want to Put a Cow Down with..., 2018.
  349. Reinhardt, Bedbug, 2018.
  350. Riedinger, Von sprechenden Hunden und rechnenden Pferden. Das Verhältnis zwischen Menschen..., 2018.
  351. Rinaldo, Borderless Bacteria/Colonialist Cash, 2018.
  352. Rosell, Secrets of the snout: the dog's incredible nose, 2018.
  353. Sampson, Animal Ethics and the Nonconformist Conscience, 2018.
  354. Sbastida, Walk Like a Glacier, 2018.
  355. Schlagloth, Why is it Important to Use Flagship Species in Community..., 2018.
  356. Schmitt, Tierschutz – nationales Merkmal der moralischen Überlegenheit., 2018.
  357. Schönbeck, Die Fabeltiere der Aufklärung. Naturgeschichte und Poetik von Gottsched bis..., 2018.
  358. Scollen, Animals and Humans on Stage: Live Performances at Sea World..., 2018.
  359. Smolińska, Plastic: A New Nature, 2018.
  360. Sommer, Als ob die Vögel Noten sängen.Transkription von Tierlauten bei Olivier..., 2018.
  361. Sommer, Delfinesisch für Anfänger. John C. Lilly und das JANUS-Projekt, 2018.
  362. Sommer, Der Wald erschallt nicht wie der Schrei der Steppe. Tierlaute..., 2018.
  363. Sommer, Musikalisierte Tiere. Die Entdeckung der Vogelstimmen in der Frühen Neuzeit, 2018.
  364. Sommer, Sprechen Fische?, 2018.
  365. Sommer, Tierlaute. Zwischen Animal Studies und Sound Studies, 2018.
  366. Sommer, Tierstimmen gegen den Lärm von Krieg und Moderne. Julian Huxley..., 2018.
  367. Sommer, Zwitschern, Bellen, Röhren: Tierlaute in der Wissens-, Medientechnik- und Musikgeschichte, 2018.
  368. Sommer, „Musikinstrument mit (von Menschen nachgebauten?) Vogelstimmen gekreuzt.“ Zu auditivem Wissen..., 2018.
  369. Sommer, „Wollen oder können die Affen und Orange nicht reden?“ Affenphonetische..., 2018.
  370. Stache, Wider "die idealistische Überhebung des Menschen über die andern Bestien", 2018.
  371. Stănescu, ‘White Power Milk’: Milk, Dietary Racism, and the ‘Alt-Right’, 2018.
  372. Swanson, Lecanora Muralis, 2018.
  373. Thielmann, Tier und Film: zur Modellierung anthropologischer Differenz, 2018.
  374. Thomas, The hidden life of life: a walk through the reaches..., 2018.
  375. Thompson, No word for wilderness: Italy's grizzlies and the race to..., 2018.
  376. Thurtle, Biology in the grid: graphic design and the envisioning of..., 2018.
  377. Tokas, Nicht-menschliche Tiere in Kants Anthropologie, 2018.
  378. Tsionki, Curating the Anthropocene, 2018.
  379. Tuider, Respect for animals – meaningful concept or hollow phrase?, 2018.
  380. Tulloch, An Auto-ethnography of Anti-dairy Vegan Activism in New Zealand, 2018.
  381. Turner, Abjection, 2018.
  382. Turner, Affection, 2018.
  383. Turner, Afterword: Who Are These Animals I Am Following?, 2018.
  384. Turner, Animation, 2018.
  385. Turner, Art, 2018.
  386. Turner, Biopolitics, 2018.
  387. Turner, Capitalism, 2018.
  388. Turner, Death, 2018.
  389. Turner, Empathy, 2018.
  390. Turner, Ethics, 2018.
  391. Turner, Evolution, 2018.
  392. Turner, Extinction, 2018.
  393. Turner, Farming, 2018.
  394. Turner, Film, 2018.
  395. Turner, Food, 2018.
  396. Turner, Fragility, 2018.
  397. Turner, Friendship, 2018.
  398. Turner, Genealogies, 2018.
  399. Turner, Homo Sapiens, 2018.
  400. Turner, Introducing The Edinburgh Companion to Animal Studies, 2018.
  401. Turner, Law, 2018.
  402. Turner, Literature, 2018.
  403. Turner, Meaning, 2018.
  404. Turner, Microbes, 2018.
  405. Turner, Non-human Philosophy, 2018.
  406. Turner, Performance, 2018.
  407. Turner, Poetics, 2018.
  408. Turner, Posthumanism, 2018.
  409. Turner, Queer Theory, 2018.
  410. Turner, Races, 2018.
  411. Turner, Religion, 2018.
  412. Turner, Revolution, 2018.
  413. Turner, Science Fiction, 2018.
  414. Turner, Technology, 2018.
  415. Turner, The Anthropocene, 2018.
  416. Turner, The Edinburgh companion to animal studies, 2018.
  417. Turner, Voice, 2018.
  418. Ullrich, An Ecosystem of Excess (Pinar Yoldas). Eine affirmative Kritik im..., 2018.
  419. Ullrich, Emotionen und die silvatische Tollwut in Deutschland in den 1950er..., 2018.
  420. Ullrich, Filter. Kleine Mediengeschichte der Durchdringung von Meer und Molluske, 2018.
  421. Ullrich, Hippochondrie. Über ein krankes und ein gesundes Pferd in Hugo..., 2018.
  422. Ullrich, Juralandschaft mit Hund, Hügellandschaft mit Biber. Eine Neubestimmung der ästhetischen..., 2018.
  423. Ullrich, Krank machen. Tierkrankheiten im Modell in der bakteriologischen Forschung, ca...., 2018.
  424. Ullrich, Kranke Pferde als Kontaktzone zwischen der adeligen und nicht-adeligen Pferdehaltung..., 2018.
  425. Ullrich, Kranke Schweine im medialen Echo, 2018.
  426. Ullrich, Kranke Tiere, 2018.
  427. Ullrich, Nun sag, wie hast Du’s mit den Wildtieren? Zur Gretchenfrage..., 2018.
  428. Ullrich, Qualzucht bei Haustierrassen. Veterinärmedizinische Argumente und ethische Annäherung, 2018.
  429. Ullrich, Rousseaus dilettantische Ideen zu Mensch und Tier, 2018.
  430. Ullrich, Silent Offspring. Aviane Figurationen der Petrokultur im gegenwärtigen US-amerikanischen Umweltfilm, 2018.
  431. Ullrich, Störungen im Gefüge? Zu den Dimensionen von Krankheit und Kunst..., 2018.
  432. Ullrich, Suizidale Tiere, 2018.
  433. Ullrich, Tentakuläres Rappen. Käptn Peng und die Tiere des Oikos, 2018.
  434. Ullrich, To behave / To be hive. multispecies-Begegnungen im Bienenstock, 2018.
  435. Ullrich, Ästhetische Ökologie. Jakob von Uexkülls Musiktheorie des Lebens, 2018.
  436. Ullrich, Ökologie, 2018.
  437. Ullrich, Über individualistische Denkformen hinaus. (Tier-)Gerechtigkeit im Spannungsfeld individualistischer und systemischer..., 2018.
  438. Ullrich, „ … und wozu Dichter in dürftiger Zeit?“ Lyrikanthologien in..., 2018.
  439. Ullrich, „you have to let the animals – the animals –..., 2018.
  440. Unknown author, ZS: Literatur für Leser: Special Issue "LiteraTier", 2018.
  441. Van Horn, The way of coyote: shared journeys in the urban wilds, 2018.
  442. Vasa, Anthropocentric Acts Against the Idea of Nature, 2018.
  443. Vaught, A Question of Sex: Cloning, Culture, and Legitimacy Among American..., 2018.
  444. Vennen, Das Aquarium: Praktiken, Techniken und Medien der Wissensproduktion (1840-1910), 2018.
  445. Villafranca, Gatekeeper's Matter, 2018.
  446. Villanueva, A transnational history of the Australian animal movement, 1970-2015, 2018.
  447. Villinger, Kant und die Imagination der Tiere, 2018.
  448. Von Essen, “We Need to Talk…” Evolving Conversations about Wildlife Ethics in..., 2018.
  449. Wache, Eine Bewegung auf der Suche nach ihrer Geschichte, 2018.
  450. Wannenmacher, Vom Symbol zum Individuum: Tiere im Werk Jeremias Gotthelfs, 2018.
  451. Watt, Should We Eat Our Research Subjects? Advocacy and Animal Studies, 2018.
  452. Wicks, Demystifying Dairy, 2018.
  453. Wilke, Von Bären, Katzen, Hunden und anderen nicht-menschlichen Wesen: Tierliches in..., 2018.
  454. Willkomm, Ich seh’ ja nichts, ich hör nur was. Vom Wissen..., 2018.
  455. Worboys, Inventing Dog Breeds: Jack Russell Terriers, 2018.
  456. Wrenn, How to Help When It Hurts? Think Systemic, 2018.
  457. Wunsch, Das Problem des Anthropomorphismus in der Tierforschung. Eckpunkte der methodologischen..., 2018.
  458. Wunsch, Einleitung: Philosophie der Tierforschung – Milieus und Akteure, 2018.
  459. Wunsch, Gorillas im Zwielicht. King Kong und die Primatologie, 2018.
  460. Wunsch, Im Angesicht der Gesichter: Technologien des Gesichtsverlusts in der Tierforschung, 2018.
  461. Wunsch, Mäuse, Menschen, Menagerien. Laborchimären und ihre wechselvolle Beziehung im Königlich..., 2018.
  462. Wunsch, Philosophie der Tierforschung Band 3: Milieus und Akteure, 2018.
  463. Wunsch, Riot Grrrl Primatology. Über Forscherinnen, Feminismus und feministische Wissenschaften, 2018.
  464. Wunsch, Tiere sind Akteure. Konzeptionen tierlichen Handelns in den Human-Animal Studies, 2018.
  465. Wunsch, Tiermodelle und die Ökologie des Wissens: Das Beispiel des Zebrafisches, 2018.
  466. Wunsch, Von der Ökologie der Forschung zu Forschungsumwelten. Bedingungen und Möglichkeiten..., 2018.
  467. Wunsch, Washoe: Das Subjekt in der Tierforschung, 2018.
  468. Wunsch, Ökologie und Evolution des Sozialverhaltens und der sozialen Kognition bei..., 2018.
  469. Wunsch, „Leben erfaßt hier Leben“. Zur Bedeutung von Leiblichkeit und kultureller..., 2018.
  470. Wylie, Death and compassion: the elephant in Southern African literature, 2018.
  471. Włodarczyk, Genealogy of obedience: reading North American dog training literature, 1850s-2000s, 2018.
  472. Yunker, Writing for Animals: New perspectives for writers and instructors to..., 2018.
  473. Zelinger, Menschen und Haustiere im Deutschen Kaiserreich: eine Beziehungsgeschichte, 2018.
  474. Zelinger, Unnatural Pet-Keeping: Pet-Custody Disputes in the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, 2018.