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  1. Aaltola, Animal Suffering: Philosophy and Culture, 2012.
  2. Aaltola, Coetzee and Alternative Animal Ethics, 2010.
  3. Aaltola, Leiden, 2015.
  4. Aaltola, Schmerz, 2015.
  5. Aaltola, Varieties of empathy: moral psychology and animal ethics, 2018.
  6. Aavik, Challenging Sexism while Supporting Speciesism: The Views of Estonian Feminist..., 2014.
  7. Abbate, How to Help when it Hurts: ACT Individually (and in..., 2020.
  8. Abel, „Für die Kinder ist es ein Spaß." Ethische und tierschutzpolitische..., 2016.
  9. Abend, Deep Hanging Out mit dem vermeintlich Wilden. Tier-Mensch-Beziehungen im Computerspiel, 2016.
  10. Abiragi, The Sovereign's Multiple Bodies, 2017.
  11. Abram, Becoming animal: an earthly cosmology, 2011.
  12. Abrell, Introduction: Interrogating Captive Freedom: The Possibilities and Limits of Animal..., 2017.
  13. Acampora, [Provocations from the Field] Epistemology of Ignorance and Human Privilege, 2016.
  14. Acampora, Corporal compassion: animal ethics and philosophy of body, 2006.
  15. Acampora, Zoögogy of the Oppressed, 2021.
  16. Acari, Making Sense of ‘Food’ Animals: A Critical Exploration of the..., 2019.
  17. Ach, Die Frage nach dem Tier. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf das Tier-Mensch-Verhältnis., 2009.
  18. Ach, Interesse, 2015.
  19. Ach, Tierethik, 2015.
  20. Ach, Warum man Lassie nicht quälen darf: Tierversuche und moralischer Individualismus, 1999.
  21. Achilles, "Monkey Business in Intercultural and Intertextual Perspective: Species- and Ethnos-Orientation..., 2004.
  22. Ackermann-Arlt, Das Pferd und seine epische Funktion im mittelhochdeutschen "Prosa-Lancelot", 1990.
  23. Ackroyd, Beuys’ Acorns, 2011.
  24. Adams, Animals and women: feminist theoretical explorations, 1995.
  25. Adams, Begegnung mit einem Gorilla, 1994.
  26. Adams, Burger, 2018.
  27. Adams, Ecofeminism: feminist intersections with other animals and the earth, 2014.
  28. Adams, Emily Brontë and Dogs: Transformation Within the Human-Dog Bond, 2000.
  29. Adams, Emily Dickinson had a dog: An interpretation of the human-dog..., 1999.
  30. Adams, European Honeybee: Interconnectivity at the Edge of Stillness, 2016.
  31. Adams, Interspecies Proximities and Entanglements, 2015.
  32. Adams, Neither man nor beast: feminism and the defense of animals, 1995.
  33. Adams, On the History and Symbolism of Animals in Art and..., 2013.
  34. Adams, Provocations from the field: Female Reproductive Exploitation Comes Home, 2018.
  35. Adams, The pornography of meat, 2015.
  36. Adams, The Sexual Politics of Meat (20th Anniversary Edition): a Feminist-Vegetarian..., 2010.
  37. Adams, The War on Compassion, 2010.
  38. Adams, What Came Before The Sexual Politics of Meat: The Activist..., 2012.
  39. Adamson, Abū Bakr al-Rāzī on Animals.
  40. Adeduntan, What the forest told me: Yoruba hunter, culture and narrative..., 2014.
  41. Adler, Erzählungen, Gedichte aus "Affentheater", 1992.
  42. Aftandilian, What are the animals to us?: approaches from science, religion,..., 2007.
  43. Agamben, Das Offene: der Mensch und das Tier, 2014.
  44. Agard, La souffrance des bêtes chez Adorno et Horkheimer, 2006.
  45. Agnew, The causes of animal abuse. A social-psychological analysis, 1998.
  46. Agthe, Das Bild des Hundes in Albrecht Dürers Gesamtwerk: Darstellungen und..., 1987.
  47. Ahmad, Success depends on the animals: emigrants, livestock, and wild animals..., 2016.
  48. Ahuja, Notes on Medicine, Culture, and the History of Imported Monkeys..., 2013.
  49. Aich, SHHRKS Appell zur ganzheitlichen Erforschung der Hai-Mensch-Beziehung, 2023.
  50. Aiello, A Nude Horse Is A Rude Horse: The Society for..., 2021.
  51. Aiello, Death to Pigs: Animal Imagery and Naming In the Counterculture..., 2022.
  52. Aigner, "Post-Anthropocentrism" in Animal Philosophy and Ethics: The Disparity of the..., 2016.
  53. Aigner, Die Tiere der Psychologie, 2016.
  54. Akhtar, Animals and Public Health: Why Treating Animals Better is Critical..., 2012.
  55. Alattas, Shattered, 2018.
  56. Albarella, Pigs and humans: 10,000 years of interaction, 2007.
  57. Albers, Animismus: Revisionen der Moderne, 2016.
  58. Albert, Bestiarien und Emblematik. Aspekte einer Säkularisierung, 1997.
  59. Albert, Brodersen, Momme: Spinne im eigenen Netz [Rezension], 1994.
  60. Alberti, Owning and Collecting Natural Objects in Nineteenth-Century Britain, 2005.
  61. Albertus, Cod. Pal. germ. 206 Albertus Magnus: De animalibus (Auszüge), dt.....
  62. [OCR] Albertus, De animalibus libri XXVI nach der Cölner Urschrift, 1916.
  63. [OCR] Albertus, De animalibus libri XXVI nach der Cölner Urschrift, 1920.
  64. Alderson, The observer's book of farm animals, 1976.
  65. Alexandridis, Mensch und Tier in der Antike: Grenzziehung und Grenzüberschreitung ;..., 2008.
  66. Alexis, Disturbing Animals in a Christian Perspective: Re/Considering Sacrifice, Incarnation and..., 2019.
  67. Alford, The hobby horse and other animal masks, 1978.
  68. Alger, Beyond Mead: Symbolic Interaction between Humans and Felines, 1997.
  69. Alger, Cat Culture, Human Culture: An Ethnographic Study of a Cat..., 1999.
  70. Alger, Cat culture: the social world of a cat shelter, 2003.
  71. Alger, Drawing the line between humans and animals: an examination of..., 2003.
  72. Alhadeff, Meat: Digesting the Stranger Within, 2010.
  73. Ali, Workers liberation as environmental justice: beyond Amazon’s Plantationocene, 2022.
  74. Alkhateeb Shehada, Mamluks and animals: veterinary medicine in medieval Islam, 2013.
  75. Allen, Animal Resistors: On the Right of Resistance and Human Duties..., 2018.
  76. Allen, Animals in American literature, 1983.
  77. Allen, Animals in religion: devotion, symbol and ritual, 2016.
  78. Allen, Otter, 2010.
  79. Allen, Pelican, 2019.
  80. Allen, Pigeon, 2009.
  81. Allen, Transitive inference in animals. Reasoning or conditioned associations?, 2006.
  82. Allerkamp, Die Adresse des Bären. Kleists Marionettentheater und die Anekdoten der..., 2019.
  83. Allerkamp, Dressieren – Führen – Erziehen. Überlegungen zu Gewalt und Machtverhältnissen..., 2017.
  84. Allerkamp, Dressieren, Führen, Erziehen. Zur Kritik von Gewaltverhältnissen in zwei Fabeln..., 2019.
  85. Allerkamp, Off Cage. Kleists Herrmannsbärin, 2019.
  86. Allerkamp, Tolle Hunde. Kleists Poetologie und der Tollwutdiskurs, 2019.
  87. Allert, Liebe ohne Ambivalenz. Zur kommunikativen Funktion von Tieren, 2002.
  88. Allin, Zarafa: a giraffe's true story, from deep in Africa to..., 1999.
  89. Allon, That dog was Marine! Human-Dog Assemblages in the Pacific War, 2015.
  90. Alloun, Ecofeminism and animal advocacy in Australia: Productive Encounters for an..., 2015.
  91. Almiron, Critical animal and media studies: communication for nonhuman animal advocacy, 2016.
  92. Aloi, A New Entomology Display Cabinet?, 2007.
  93. Aloi, Abbas Akhavan: Fatigues, 2019.
  94. Aloi, An Anthrioposcene, 2018.
  95. Aloi, Angela Singer: Animals Rights and Wrongs, 2008.
  96. Aloi, Animal Studies and Art: Elephants in the Room, 2015.
  97. Aloi, Animal-Human-Machine-Plant, 2012.
  98. Aloi, Animals of a Parallel Dimension, 2007.
  99. Aloi, Art and animals, 2012.
  100. Aloi, Becoming Culture, 2007.
  101. Aloi, Beyond Animal Liberation, 2011.
  102. Aloi, Cactus Store, 2020.
  103. Aloi, Cape Farewell: the Ultimate Journey, 2009.
  104. Aloi, Climate Activism in 2018, 2018.
  105. Aloi, Cricket Call – Communication Between Insects and Humans, 2007.
  106. Aloi, Diana Thater: The Sympathetic Immagination, 2017.
  107. Aloi, Dioramas: Realism and Decorum, 2019.
  108. Aloi, Discussing Uncertainty in the City, 2008.
  109. Aloi, Domesticated, 2008.
  110. Aloi, Ein Haus-A House for Pigs and People, 2010.
  111. Aloi, Entangled kingdoms, 2022.
  112. Aloi, Entangled life, 2022.
  113. Aloi, Financial crisis mycoremediation, 2022.
  114. Aloi, Gary Hume: Baby-Birds and Hermaphrodite Polar Bears, 2008.
  115. Aloi, Giovanni Aloi and Cary Wolfe, 2016.
  116. Aloi, Gregory Pryor: Postcolonial Botany, 2011.
  117. Aloi, History and Forgetting, 2018.
  118. Aloi, In Conversation with Carsten Höller, 2010.
  119. Aloi, In Conversation with Claire Morgan, 2008.
  120. Aloi, In Conversation With Ken Rinaldo, 2009.
  121. Aloi, In Conversation With Maja and Reuben Fowkes, 2009.
  122. Aloi, In Conversation with Marcus Coates, 2007.
  123. Aloi, In Conversation with Sue Coe, 2008.
  124. Aloi, In Conversation With Tessa Farmer, 2007.
  125. Aloi, Insect Politics: Talking to the Queen Bee, 2009.
  126. Aloi, Introducing Siamese Fighting Fish, 2007.
  127. Aloi, I’m Not a Plastic Bag, 2007.
  128. Aloi, John Isaacs: Wounded Animals and Icon-Making, 2008.
  129. Aloi, Leonardo’s Choice, 2009.
  130. Aloi, Marcus Coates – Becoming Animal, 2007.
  131. Aloi, Nanoq: in Conversation, 2008.
  132. Aloi, Neozoon: A Youtube Zoopraxiscope, 2017.
  133. Aloi, Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr: Art and the Semi-Living, 2019.
  134. Aloi, Painting Animals, 2013.
  135. Aloi, Picasso’s Animals: Histoire Naturelle, 2007.
  136. Aloi, Registering Interconnectedness, 2016.
  137. Aloi, Rescuing What Had Become a Dying Art, 2008.
  138. Aloi, Richard Billingham: Zoo, 2008.
  139. Aloi, Roger Ballen: Uncanny Animals, 2008.
  140. Aloi, Slaughterhouse: The Task of Blood, 2008.
  141. Aloi, Speculative taxidermy: natural history, animal surfaces, and art in the..., 2018.
  142. Aloi, Sue Coe: I Am an Animal Rights Activist Artist, 2011.
  143. Aloi, Talking Insects – Eric Brown, 2007.
  144. Aloi, Taxidermy Chic, 2008.
  145. Aloi, The Broken Cabinet, 2017.
  146. Aloi, The Contemporary Uneasiness With Entomology Displays, 2007.
  147. Aloi, The Death of the Animal, 2008.
  148. Aloi, The Horse as a Resilient Signifier – In Conversation with..., 2007.
  149. Aloi, The Humble Hand’s Cunning Craft Might Deceive the Eye, 2007.
  150. Aloi, The Lost Forest, 2011.
  151. Aloi, The Problematic Exposure of Flesh, 2010.
  152. Aloi, To the Heart of the Matter, 2018.
  153. Aloi, Unthought Environments, 2018.
  154. Aloi, Water Works, 2016.
  155. Aloi, We Are What We Do – Excusive Interview, 2007.
  156. Aloi, White Wanderer, 2018.
  157. Aloi, Zhang Huan: Zhu Gangqiang, 2010.
  158. Alsen, Transozeanisches Verschwinden Aale als Motiv und Material in SIGNAs Performance-Installation..., 2023.
  159. Alston, Kit and Cadoodle, 2017.
  160. Alt, Hebbel's 'Die Muschel im Ozean' as metaphor and motto, 1989.
  161. Alt, Weltbürgertum und Biedermeier: zu Hebbels Metapher "Die Muschel im Ozean", 1990.
  162. Alter, Darwinism and the linguistic image: language, race, and natural theology..., 1999.
  163. [OCR] Altum, Der Vogel und sein Leben, 1875.
  164. [OCR] Altum, Die Geweihbildung bei Rothhirsch, Rehbock, Damhirsch: ein Beitrag zur Jagdzoologie, 1874.
  165. [OCR] Altum, Die Geweihbildung des Elchhirsches, 1874.
  166. [OCR] Altum, Unsere Spechte und ihre forstliche Bedeutung, 1878.
  167. Alves, The animals of Spain: an introduction to imperial perceptions and..., 2011.
  168. Alzmann, Zur Beurteilung der ethischen Vertretbarkeit von Tierversuchen, 2016.
  169. Amat, Les animaux familiers dans la Rome antique, 2002.
  170. Ambros, Bones of contention: animals and religion in contemporary Japan, 2012.
  171. Ambrose, How to Explain Sculpture to a Dead Owl, 2008.
  172. Ameisenowa, Animal-headed Gods, Evangelists, Saints and Righteous Men, 1949.
  173. Ameli, Multispezies-Ethnographie: Zur Methodik einer ganzheitlichen Erforschung von Mensch, Tier, Natur..., 2021.
  174. Amend-Söchting, "Zahnfarbene Aura" mit "gleißender Wut" und Hund [Rezension], 2016.
  175. Amery, Bileams Esel: konservative Aufsätze, 1991.
  176. Ames, Carl Hagenbeck's empire of entertainments, 2008.
  177. Amir, Being & swine: the end of nature (as we knew..., 2020.
  178. Amir, Schwein und Zeit: Tiere, Politik, Revolte, 2018.
  179. Ammann, Die Tiere der Theologie, 2016.
  180. Ammer, Der Wald-Wild-Konflikt: Analyse und Lösungsansätze vor dem Hintergrund rechtlicher, ökologischer..., 2010.
  181. [OCR] Ammon, Die Kunst, die Lebens- und Dienstdauer der Pferde zu verlängern, 1808.
  182. Amundson, The changing role of the embryo in evolutionary thought: roots..., 2007.
  183. An, Photographies of Trees, 2016.
  184. Ana, `Like an Animal I was Treated': Anti-Immigrant Metaphor in US..., 1999.
  185. Anand, A New Index for Predicting Catastrophes, 2016.
  186. Anderson, Creatures of empire: how domestic animals transformed early America, 2006.
  187. Anderson, Culture and Nature at the Adelaide Zoo: At the Frontiers..., 1995.
  188. Anderson, Dynamic Form, 2019.
  189. Anderson, Hunting in the ancient world, 1985.
  190. Anderson, Pernicious Portrayals: The Impact of Children's Attachment to Animals of..., 2005.
  191. Anderson, The ‘Ethics’ of Consensual Cannibalism: Deconstructing the Human-Animal Dichotomy, 2010.
  192. Andersson Cederholm, Editor’s Introduction, 2014.
  193. Andree, Illustrirtes Thierleben. Eine allgemeine Kunde des Thierreichs/Erste Abtheilung (Säugethiere) in..., 1865.
  194. Andrews, Beyond anthropomorphism. Attributing psychological properties to animals, 2011.
  195. Andrews, The Animal Mind. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Animal..., 2015.
  196. Andrews, The Whole Truth, 2009.
  197. Andreyev, Dog Voice: A Memoir, 2012.
  198. Andreyev, Responding to Dogs, 2017.
  199. Andrianova, Narrating Animal Trauma in Bulgakov and Tolstoy, 2016.
  200. Andrianova, Why Did Gerasim Drown His Mumu? Animal Subjectivity in Turgenev’s..., 2020.
  201. Andrzejewski, Teaching Animal Rights at the University: Philosophy and Practice, 2003.
  202. [OCR] André, Der Zoologe oder Compendiöse Bibliothek des Wissenswürdigsten aus der Thiergeschichte..., 1795.
  203. [OCR] André, Der Zoologe oder Compendiöse Bibliothek des Wissenswürdigsten aus der Thiergeschichte..., 1795.
  204. [OCR] André, Der Zoologe oder Compendiöse Bibliothek des Wissenswürdigsten aus der Thiergeschichte..., 1796.
  205. [OCR] André, Der Zoologe oder Compendiöse Bibliothek des Wissenswürdigsten aus der Thiergeschichte..., 1797.
  206. Angel-Perez, Bêtes de scène. Animals on the stage, 2016.
  207. Angelaki, The (In)Human Condition. Animality in Simon Stephens’s Three Kingdoms, 2016.
  208. Angelucci, Arboretum: Figure as ground, 2020.
  209. Angerer, Menschen & Andere. Einleitung in den Schwerpunkt, 2011.
  210. Angleton, In Pursuit of Variegation, 2019.
  211. Animal Studies Group, Killing animals, 2006.
  212. animaliter, Tiere in der Literatur des Mittelalters. Ein interdisziplinäres Lexikon, 2015.
  213. Anker, From Bauhaus to ecohouse: a history of ecological design, 2010.
  214. Anker, Naturally Hypernatural, 2015.
  215. Anker, Petri(e)'s Panopoly, 2015.
  216. Anonym, Animalische Anecdoten., 1839.
  217. Anonym, Bilder-Conversations-Lexikon für das deutsche Volk. Ein Handbuch zur Verbreitung gemeinnütziger..., 1839.
  218. [OCR] Anonym, Kurtzer, doch gründlicher Begriff der Edlen Jägerey., 1745.
  219. Anonym, Thierschutz-Verein und Hundesteuer., 1868.
  220. [OCR] Anonym, Thierseelen-Kunde auf Thatsachen begründet oder 156 höchst merkwürdige Anekdoten von..., 1804.
  221. [OCR] Anonym, Thierseelen-Kunde auf Thatsachen begründet oder 156 höchst merkwürdige Anekdoten von..., 1805.
  222. Anonym, Thierseelen-Kunde auf Thatsachen begründet. Oder 156 höchst merkwürdige Anekdoten von..., 1804.
  223. Anonym, Ueber die Tactik der Thiere..
  224. Anstötz, Schwerst geistigbehinderte Menschen un die Großen Menschenaffen: Ein Beitrag aus..., 1994.
  225. Antennae readers, The Silence of the Plants, 2011.
  226. Anthes, Aufruf zum Mitleid (Fortsetzung)., 1857.
  227. Anthes, Aufruf zum Mitleid., 1857.
  228. Antoni, Where we find ourselves, 2023.
  229. Arbuckle, Animals and inequality in the ancient world, 2014.
  230. Arcari, (Animal) Oppression: Responding to Questions of Efficacy and (Il)Legitimacy in..., 2022.
  231. Arcari, The Covid Pandemic, ‘Pivotal’ Moments, and Persistent Anthropocentrism: Interrogating the..., 2021.
  232. Archetti, Guinea-pigs: food, symbol, and conflict of knowledge in Ecuador, 1997.
  233. Argent, Afterword: Moving Human-Equine Studies Forward, with Horses, 2022.
  234. Argent, Barn Banter: An Exploration of Anthropomorphism and ‘Equine-o-morphism’ as Agency, 2022.
  235. Argent, Believing Ginger: Revisiting Black Beauty during #MeToo, 2022.
  236. Argent, Can You Hear Me (Yet)?—Rhetorical Horses, Trans-species Communication, and Interpersonal..., 2022.
  237. Argent, Ceremony and Psychoanalytic Thought: A Theoretical Framework for Exploring Horse-Human..., 2022.
  238. Argent, Horses as Healers: Shifting Paradigms and Ethics in Equine Assisted..., 2022.
  239. Argent, How Horses Matter in Eastern Mongolia: Cross-Breeding, Gaited Horses and..., 2022.
  240. Argent, Introduction: Humans and Horses in the Relational Arena, 2022.
  241. Argent, Is it Sex if the Veterinarian Does the Work? The..., 2022.
  242. Argent, Mareitude: Misogyny in the Horse World, 2022.
  243. Argent, Negotiating Power, Personhood and (In)equality in Elite Horse‐Rider Relationships, 2022.
  244. Argent, Reining-in the Vital Powers of Horses, 2022.
  245. Argent, Synchrony or Dominance? Social Relations in Feral and Domestic Horses, 2022.
  246. Argent, The relational horse: how frameworks of communication, care, politics and..., 2022.
  247. Argent, Toward a Privileging of the Nonverbal. Communication, Corporeal Synchrony and..., 2012.
  248. Argent, “Horses are Like Babies”: Work and Skill in the Care..., 2022.
  249. Argent, “The Steed Knew Well His Master Was Slain”: Human-Horse Relationships..., 2022.
  250. Arianna, Tiere und Technoscience, 2016.
  251. Aristoteles, Tierkunde, 1949.
  252. Arluke, Beauty and the beast: human-animal relations as revealed in real..., 2010.
  253. Arluke, Between the species: readings in human-animal relations, 2009.
  254. Arluke, Inside animal hoarding: the case of Barbara Erickson and her..., 2009.
  255. Arluke, Just a dog: understanding animal cruelty and ourselves, 2006.
  256. Arluke, Managing Emotions in an Animal Shelter, 1994.
  257. Arluke, Regarding animals, 1996.
  258. Arluke, The photographed cat picturing human-feline ties, 1890-1940, 2013.
  259. Arluke, Underdogs: pets, people, and poverty., 2020.
  260. Arluke, Understanding Nazi Animal Protection and the Holocaust, 1992.
  261. Arluke, “We build a better beagle”: Fantastic creatures in lab animal..., 1994.
  262. Armbruster, Beyond nature writing: expanding the boundaries of ecocriticism, 2001.
  263. Armbruster, Crossing an Almost Unimaginable Border, 2014.
  264. Armbruster, What Do We Want from Talking Animals? Reflections on Literary..., 2013.
  265. Armstrong, Art-Eco-Science. Field Collaborations, 2019.
  266. Armstrong, Moby-Dick and Compassion, 2004.
  267. Armstrong, More-than-human ethics for biodesign, 2022.
  268. Armstrong, Samuel Butler's Sheep, 2012.
  269. Armstrong, The animal ethics reader, 2008.
  270. Armstrong, The Postcolonial Animal, 2002.
  271. Armstrong, What animals mean in the fiction of modernity, 2008.
  272. Armstrong,, Persona Non Grata, 2021.
  273. Arnds, "Wolf und nochmals Wolf": zum Homo sacer in "Die Blechtrommel"..., 2015.
  274. Arnds, The boy with the old face: Thomas Hardy's Antibildungsroman 'Jude..., 1998.
  275. Arndt, Erleben Sie Tiere! Ein Essay zum Mensch-Tier-Verhältnis in der Erlebnisgesellschaft, 2016.
  276. Arndt, Lipinsky-Gottersdorf, Hans: Krähen im Februar [Rezension], 1990.
  277. Arnold, Hunde auf ihrem Weg durch EUropa. Ethnographische Einblicke in den..., 2014.
  278. Arnold, Monsters, tricksters, and sacred cows: animal tales and American identities, 1996.
  279. Arnott, Animals in the Greek Theatre, 1959.
  280. Arrends, Mark Dion: Systema Metropolis, 2019.
  281. Art Labor, Salty as sweat. Red as soil. Soil as blood., 2021.
  282. Artinger, Schwäche bedeutete Tod. Zum Wandel des Todesbildes in Tierkampfbildern der..., 2014.
  283. Artinger, Von der Tierbude zum Turm der blauen Pferde: die künstlerische..., 1995.
  284. Artiss, Theodor Storms symbolische Tierwelt - dargestellt an seinen Vorstellungen von..., 1996.
  285. As-Safa', Mensch und Tier vor dem König der Dschinnen. Aus den..., 2005.
  286. Ascione, Children and animals: exploring the roots of kindness and cruelty, 2004.
  287. Ascione, The abuse of animals and domestic violence, 1997.
  288. Ascione, The international handbook of animal abuse and cruelty: theory, research,..., 2008.
  289. Asdal, Humans, animals and biopolitics: the more-than human condition, 2017.
  290. Asdal, Introduction: The ‘More Than Human’ Condition: Sentient Creatures and Versions..., 2017.
  291. Asdal, Knowing Sentient Subjects: Humane Experimental Technique and the Constitution of..., 2017.
  292. Asdal, Loving Camels, Sacrificing Sheep, Slaughtering Gazelles: Human-Animal Relations in Contemporary..., 2017.
  293. Asdal, Making Pig Research Biographies: Names and Numbers, 2017.
  294. Asdal, Modifying the Biopolitical Collective: The Law as a Moral Technology, 2017.
  295. Asdal, One Health, Many Species: Towards a Multispecies Investigation of Bird..., 2017.
  296. Asdal, Pastorale: Sheep Traffic in Modern Trauma Surgery, 2017.
  297. Asdal, Sensory Biopolitics: Knowing Birds and a Politics of Life, 2017.
  298. Asdal, The Measure of the Disease: The Pathological Animal Experiment in..., 2017.
  299. Asdal, The Practice of Fishy Sentience, 2017.
  300. Ash, Mensch, Tier und Zoo: der Tiergarten Schönbrunn im internationalen Vergleich..., 2008.
  301. Ash, Tiere und Wissenschaft: Versachlichung und Vermenschlichung im Widerstreit, 2014.
  302. Asher, Home is Where the Food Is: Barriers to Vegetarianism and..., 2014.
  303. Asker, The modern bestiary: animals in English fiction, 1880-1945, 1996.
  304. Aspetsberger, Canetti, Elias: Die Fliegenpein [Rezension], 1993.
  305. Astel, Jambe(n) & Schmetterling(e) oder Amor & Psyche: eine Schmetterlingskunde, 1993.
  306. Asúa, A new world of animals: early modern Europeans on the..., 2005.
  307. Atkins, Animal cities: beastly urban histories, 2012.
  308. Atkinson, A Suite of Creatures, 2014.
  309. Atkinson, Alexis Wright’s Literary Testimony to Intersecting Traumas, 2018.
  310. Atkinson, Tomás Saraceno: Interfacing nature and culture through art and science, 2019.
  311. Attebery, Coshaping Digital and Biological Animals: Companion Species Encounters and Biopower..., 2015.
  312. Audubon, The watercolors for The birds of America, 1993.
  313. Augstein, Gefährte, Opfer, Statussymbol? Tierdeponierungen im Kontext prähistorischer Bestattungsplätze, 2014.
  314. Austin, Illustrating Animals for the Working Classes: The Penny Magazine (1832–1845), 2010.
  315. Auteri, La lepre dotta: il 'Froschmeuseler' di Georg Rollenhagen, 1985.
  316. Auteri, Tiersymbolik im deutschen Tierepos des ausgehenden 16. Jahrhunderts, 1997.
  317. Aymard, Essai sur les chasses romaines des origines à la fin..., 1951.
  318. B., La Vie Est Si Genante Part III, 2008.
  319. Babb, Who’ll Let the Dogs In? Animals, Authorship, and the Library..., 2013.
  320. Bachmann, Das Tier als Symbol: in Träumen, Mythen und Märchen, 2014.
  321. Bachstein, Von Katzen und Menschen, 1990.
  322. Bacigalupo, Il problema degli animali nel pensiero antico., 1965.
  323. Bade, Urban (Re)Cology, 2016.
  324. Badman-King, Living-with wisdom: permaculture and symbiotic ethics, 2023.
  325. Badri-Spröwitz, Das Tier als Modell für Roboter, und Roboter als Modell..., 2019.
  326. Badura, Moral für Mensch und Tier. Tierschutzethik im Kontext., 1999.
  327. Baenninger, Animals in Art: Some Trends Across Three Millennia, 1988.
  328. Baenninger, What's in a Name? Uncovering the Connotative Meanings of Animal..., 2000.
  329. [OCR] Baer, Bemerkungen aus dem zootomischen Tagebuche, 1819.
  330. [OCR] Baer, Schädel- und Kopfmangel an Embryonen von Schweinen: aus der frühesten..., 1829.
  331. [OCR] Baer, Ueber Entwickelungsgeschichte der Thiere: Beobachtung und Reflexion., 1828.
  332. [OCR] Baer, Ueber Entwickelungsgeschichte der Thiere: Beobachtung und Reflexion, 1837.
  333. [OCR] Baer, Untersuchungen über die Entwickelungsgeschichte der Fische nebst einem Anhange über..., 1835.
  334. [OCR] Baer, Welche Auffassung der lebenden Natur ist die richtige? und Wie..., 1862.
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