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- Aaltola, Animal Suffering: Philosophy and Culture, 2012.
- Aaltola, Coetzee and Alternative Animal Ethics, 2010.
- Aaltola, Leiden, 2015.
- Aaltola, Schmerz, 2015.
- Aaltola, Varieties of empathy: moral psychology and animal ethics, 2018.
- Aavik, Challenging Sexism while Supporting Speciesism: The Views of Estonian Feminist..., 2014.
- Abbate, How to Help when it Hurts: ACT Individually (and in..., 2020.
- Abel, „Für die Kinder ist es ein Spaß." Ethische und tierschutzpolitische..., 2016.
- Abend, Deep Hanging Out mit dem vermeintlich Wilden. Tier-Mensch-Beziehungen im Computerspiel, 2016.
- Abiragi, The Sovereign's Multiple Bodies, 2017.
- Abram, Becoming animal: an earthly cosmology, 2011.
- Abrell, Introduction: Interrogating Captive Freedom: The Possibilities and Limits of Animal..., 2017.
- Acampora, [Provocations from the Field] Epistemology of Ignorance and Human Privilege, 2016.
- Acampora, Corporal compassion: animal ethics and philosophy of body, 2006.
- Acampora, Zoögogy of the Oppressed, 2021.
- Acari, Making Sense of ‘Food’ Animals: A Critical Exploration of the..., 2019.
- Ach, Die Frage nach dem Tier. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf das Tier-Mensch-Verhältnis., 2009.
- Ach, Interesse, 2015.
- Ach, Tierethik, 2015.
- Ach, Warum man Lassie nicht quälen darf: Tierversuche und moralischer Individualismus, 1999.
- Achilles, "Monkey Business in Intercultural and Intertextual Perspective: Species- and Ethnos-Orientation..., 2004.
- Ackermann-Arlt, Das Pferd und seine epische Funktion im mittelhochdeutschen "Prosa-Lancelot", 1990.
- Ackroyd, Beuys’ Acorns, 2011.
- Adams, Animals and women: feminist theoretical explorations, 1995.
- Adams, Begegnung mit einem Gorilla, 1994.
- Adams, Burger, 2018.
- Adams, Ecofeminism: feminist intersections with other animals and the earth, 2014.
- Adams, Emily Brontë and Dogs: Transformation Within the Human-Dog Bond, 2000.
- Adams, Emily Dickinson had a dog: An interpretation of the human-dog..., 1999.
- Adams, European Honeybee: Interconnectivity at the Edge of Stillness, 2016.
- Adams, Interspecies Proximities and Entanglements, 2015.
- Adams, Neither man nor beast: feminism and the defense of animals, 1995.
- Adams, On the History and Symbolism of Animals in Art and..., 2013.
- Adams, Provocations from the field: Female Reproductive Exploitation Comes Home, 2018.
- Adams, The pornography of meat, 2015.
- Adams, The Sexual Politics of Meat (20th Anniversary Edition): a Feminist-Vegetarian..., 2010.
- Adams, The War on Compassion, 2010.
- Adams, What Came Before The Sexual Politics of Meat: The Activist..., 2012.
- Adamson, Abū Bakr al-Rāzī on Animals.
- Adeduntan, What the forest told me: Yoruba hunter, culture and narrative..., 2014.
- Adler, Erzählungen, Gedichte aus "Affentheater", 1992.
- Aftandilian, What are the animals to us?: approaches from science, religion,..., 2007.
- Agamben, Das Offene: der Mensch und das Tier, 2014.
- Agard, La souffrance des bêtes chez Adorno et Horkheimer, 2006.
- Agnew, The causes of animal abuse. A social-psychological analysis, 1998.
- Agthe, Das Bild des Hundes in Albrecht Dürers Gesamtwerk: Darstellungen und..., 1987.
- Ahmad, Success depends on the animals: emigrants, livestock, and wild animals..., 2016.
- Ahuja, Notes on Medicine, Culture, and the History of Imported Monkeys..., 2013.
- Aich, SHHRKS Appell zur ganzheitlichen Erforschung der Hai-Mensch-Beziehung, 2023.
- Aiello, A Nude Horse Is A Rude Horse: The Society for..., 2021.
- Aiello, Death to Pigs: Animal Imagery and Naming In the Counterculture..., 2022.
- Aigner, "Post-Anthropocentrism" in Animal Philosophy and Ethics: The Disparity of the..., 2016.
- Aigner, Die Tiere der Psychologie, 2016.
- Akhtar, Animals and Public Health: Why Treating Animals Better is Critical..., 2012.
- Alattas, Shattered, 2018.
- Albarella, Pigs and humans: 10,000 years of interaction, 2007.
- Albers, Animismus: Revisionen der Moderne, 2016.
- Albert, Bestiarien und Emblematik. Aspekte einer Säkularisierung, 1997.
- Albert, Brodersen, Momme: Spinne im eigenen Netz [Rezension], 1994.
- Alberti, Owning and Collecting Natural Objects in Nineteenth-Century Britain, 2005.
- Albertus, Cod. Pal. germ. 206 Albertus Magnus: De animalibus (Auszüge), dt.....
- [OCR] Albertus, De animalibus libri XXVI nach der Cölner Urschrift, 1916.
- [OCR] Albertus, De animalibus libri XXVI nach der Cölner Urschrift, 1920.
- Alderson, The observer's book of farm animals, 1976.
- Alexandridis, Mensch und Tier in der Antike: Grenzziehung und Grenzüberschreitung ;..., 2008.
- Alexis, Disturbing Animals in a Christian Perspective: Re/Considering Sacrifice, Incarnation and..., 2019.
- Alford, The hobby horse and other animal masks, 1978.
- Alger, Beyond Mead: Symbolic Interaction between Humans and Felines, 1997.
- Alger, Cat Culture, Human Culture: An Ethnographic Study of a Cat..., 1999.
- Alger, Cat culture: the social world of a cat shelter, 2003.
- Alger, Drawing the line between humans and animals: an examination of..., 2003.
- Alhadeff, Meat: Digesting the Stranger Within, 2010.
- Ali, Workers liberation as environmental justice: beyond Amazon’s Plantationocene, 2022.
- Alkhateeb Shehada, Mamluks and animals: veterinary medicine in medieval Islam, 2013.
- Allen, Animal Resistors: On the Right of Resistance and Human Duties..., 2018.
- Allen, Animals in American literature, 1983.
- Allen, Animals in religion: devotion, symbol and ritual, 2016.
- Allen, Otter, 2010.
- Allen, Pelican, 2019.
- Allen, Pigeon, 2009.
- Allen, Transitive inference in animals. Reasoning or conditioned associations?, 2006.
- Allerkamp, Die Adresse des Bären. Kleists Marionettentheater und die Anekdoten der..., 2019.
- Allerkamp, Dressieren – Führen – Erziehen. Überlegungen zu Gewalt und Machtverhältnissen..., 2017.
- Allerkamp, Dressieren, Führen, Erziehen. Zur Kritik von Gewaltverhältnissen in zwei Fabeln..., 2019.
- Allerkamp, Off Cage. Kleists Herrmannsbärin, 2019.
- Allerkamp, Tolle Hunde. Kleists Poetologie und der Tollwutdiskurs, 2019.
- Allert, Liebe ohne Ambivalenz. Zur kommunikativen Funktion von Tieren, 2002.
- Allin, Zarafa: a giraffe's true story, from deep in Africa to..., 1999.
- Allon, That dog was Marine! Human-Dog Assemblages in the Pacific War, 2015.
- Alloun, Ecofeminism and animal advocacy in Australia: Productive Encounters for an..., 2015.
- Almiron, Critical animal and media studies: communication for nonhuman animal advocacy, 2016.
- Aloi, A New Entomology Display Cabinet?, 2007.
- Aloi, Abbas Akhavan: Fatigues, 2019.
- Aloi, An Anthrioposcene, 2018.
- Aloi, Angela Singer: Animals Rights and Wrongs, 2008.
- Aloi, Animal Studies and Art: Elephants in the Room, 2015.
- Aloi, Animal-Human-Machine-Plant, 2012.
- Aloi, Animals of a Parallel Dimension, 2007.
- Aloi, Art and animals, 2012.
- Aloi, Becoming Culture, 2007.
- Aloi, Beyond Animal Liberation, 2011.
- Aloi, Cactus Store, 2020.
- Aloi, Cape Farewell: the Ultimate Journey, 2009.
- Aloi, Climate Activism in 2018, 2018.
- Aloi, Cricket Call – Communication Between Insects and Humans, 2007.
- Aloi, Diana Thater: The Sympathetic Immagination, 2017.
- Aloi, Dioramas: Realism and Decorum, 2019.
- Aloi, Discussing Uncertainty in the City, 2008.
- Aloi, Domesticated, 2008.
- Aloi, Ein Haus-A House for Pigs and People, 2010.
- Aloi, Entangled kingdoms, 2022.
- Aloi, Entangled life, 2022.
- Aloi, Financial crisis mycoremediation, 2022.
- Aloi, Gary Hume: Baby-Birds and Hermaphrodite Polar Bears, 2008.
- Aloi, Giovanni Aloi and Cary Wolfe, 2016.
- Aloi, Gregory Pryor: Postcolonial Botany, 2011.
- Aloi, History and Forgetting, 2018.
- Aloi, In Conversation with Carsten Höller, 2010.
- Aloi, In Conversation with Claire Morgan, 2008.
- Aloi, In Conversation With Ken Rinaldo, 2009.
- Aloi, In Conversation With Maja and Reuben Fowkes, 2009.
- Aloi, In Conversation with Marcus Coates, 2007.
- Aloi, In Conversation with Sue Coe, 2008.
- Aloi, In Conversation With Tessa Farmer, 2007.
- Aloi, Insect Politics: Talking to the Queen Bee, 2009.
- Aloi, Introducing Siamese Fighting Fish, 2007.
- Aloi, I’m Not a Plastic Bag, 2007.
- Aloi, John Isaacs: Wounded Animals and Icon-Making, 2008.
- Aloi, Leonardo’s Choice, 2009.
- Aloi, Marcus Coates – Becoming Animal, 2007.
- Aloi, Nanoq: in Conversation, 2008.
- Aloi, Neozoon: A Youtube Zoopraxiscope, 2017.
- Aloi, Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr: Art and the Semi-Living, 2019.
- Aloi, Painting Animals, 2013.
- Aloi, Picasso’s Animals: Histoire Naturelle, 2007.
- Aloi, Registering Interconnectedness, 2016.
- Aloi, Rescuing What Had Become a Dying Art, 2008.
- Aloi, Richard Billingham: Zoo, 2008.
- Aloi, Roger Ballen: Uncanny Animals, 2008.
- Aloi, Slaughterhouse: The Task of Blood, 2008.
- Aloi, Speculative taxidermy: natural history, animal surfaces, and art in the..., 2018.
- Aloi, Sue Coe: I Am an Animal Rights Activist Artist, 2011.
- Aloi, Talking Insects – Eric Brown, 2007.
- Aloi, Taxidermy Chic, 2008.
- Aloi, The Broken Cabinet, 2017.
- Aloi, The Contemporary Uneasiness With Entomology Displays, 2007.
- Aloi, The Death of the Animal, 2008.
- Aloi, The Horse as a Resilient Signifier – In Conversation with..., 2007.
- Aloi, The Humble Hand’s Cunning Craft Might Deceive the Eye, 2007.
- Aloi, The Lost Forest, 2011.
- Aloi, The Problematic Exposure of Flesh, 2010.
- Aloi, To the Heart of the Matter, 2018.
- Aloi, Unthought Environments, 2018.
- Aloi, Water Works, 2016.
- Aloi, We Are What We Do – Excusive Interview, 2007.
- Aloi, White Wanderer, 2018.
- Aloi, Zhang Huan: Zhu Gangqiang, 2010.
- Alsen, Transozeanisches Verschwinden Aale als Motiv und Material in SIGNAs Performance-Installation..., 2023.
- Alston, Kit and Cadoodle, 2017.
- Alt, Hebbel's 'Die Muschel im Ozean' as metaphor and motto, 1989.
- Alt, Weltbürgertum und Biedermeier: zu Hebbels Metapher "Die Muschel im Ozean", 1990.
- Alter, Darwinism and the linguistic image: language, race, and natural theology..., 1999.
- [OCR] Altum, Der Vogel und sein Leben, 1875.
- [OCR] Altum, Die Geweihbildung bei Rothhirsch, Rehbock, Damhirsch: ein Beitrag zur Jagdzoologie, 1874.
- [OCR] Altum, Die Geweihbildung des Elchhirsches, 1874.
- [OCR] Altum, Unsere Spechte und ihre forstliche Bedeutung, 1878.
- Alves, The animals of Spain: an introduction to imperial perceptions and..., 2011.
- Alzmann, Zur Beurteilung der ethischen Vertretbarkeit von Tierversuchen, 2016.
- Amat, Les animaux familiers dans la Rome antique, 2002.
- Ambros, Bones of contention: animals and religion in contemporary Japan, 2012.
- Ambrose, How to Explain Sculpture to a Dead Owl, 2008.
- Ameisenowa, Animal-headed Gods, Evangelists, Saints and Righteous Men, 1949.
- Ameli, Multispezies-Ethnographie: Zur Methodik einer ganzheitlichen Erforschung von Mensch, Tier, Natur..., 2021.
- Amend-Söchting, "Zahnfarbene Aura" mit "gleißender Wut" und Hund [Rezension], 2016.
- Amery, Bileams Esel: konservative Aufsätze, 1991.
- Ames, Carl Hagenbeck's empire of entertainments, 2008.
- Amir, Being & swine: the end of nature (as we knew..., 2020.
- Amir, Schwein und Zeit: Tiere, Politik, Revolte, 2018.
- Ammann, Die Tiere der Theologie, 2016.
- Ammer, Der Wald-Wild-Konflikt: Analyse und Lösungsansätze vor dem Hintergrund rechtlicher, ökologischer..., 2010.
- [OCR] Ammon, Die Kunst, die Lebens- und Dienstdauer der Pferde zu verlängern, 1808.
- Amundson, The changing role of the embryo in evolutionary thought: roots..., 2007.
- An, Photographies of Trees, 2016.
- Ana, `Like an Animal I was Treated': Anti-Immigrant Metaphor in US..., 1999.
- Anand, A New Index for Predicting Catastrophes, 2016.
- Anderson, Creatures of empire: how domestic animals transformed early America, 2006.
- Anderson, Culture and Nature at the Adelaide Zoo: At the Frontiers..., 1995.
- Anderson, Dynamic Form, 2019.
- Anderson, Hunting in the ancient world, 1985.
- Anderson, Pernicious Portrayals: The Impact of Children's Attachment to Animals of..., 2005.
- Anderson, The ‘Ethics’ of Consensual Cannibalism: Deconstructing the Human-Animal Dichotomy, 2010.
- Andersson Cederholm, Editor’s Introduction, 2014.
- Andree, Illustrirtes Thierleben. Eine allgemeine Kunde des Thierreichs/Erste Abtheilung (Säugethiere) in..., 1865.
- Andrews, Beyond anthropomorphism. Attributing psychological properties to animals, 2011.
- Andrews, The Animal Mind. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Animal..., 2015.
- Andrews, The Whole Truth, 2009.
- Andreyev, Dog Voice: A Memoir, 2012.
- Andreyev, Responding to Dogs, 2017.
- Andrianova, Narrating Animal Trauma in Bulgakov and Tolstoy, 2016.
- Andrianova, Why Did Gerasim Drown His Mumu? Animal Subjectivity in Turgenev’s..., 2020.
- Andrzejewski, Teaching Animal Rights at the University: Philosophy and Practice, 2003.
- [OCR] André, Der Zoologe oder Compendiöse Bibliothek des Wissenswürdigsten aus der Thiergeschichte..., 1795.
- [OCR] André, Der Zoologe oder Compendiöse Bibliothek des Wissenswürdigsten aus der Thiergeschichte..., 1795.
- [OCR] André, Der Zoologe oder Compendiöse Bibliothek des Wissenswürdigsten aus der Thiergeschichte..., 1796.
- [OCR] André, Der Zoologe oder Compendiöse Bibliothek des Wissenswürdigsten aus der Thiergeschichte..., 1797.
- Angel-Perez, Bêtes de scène. Animals on the stage, 2016.
- Angelaki, The (In)Human Condition. Animality in Simon Stephens’s Three Kingdoms, 2016.
- Angelucci, Arboretum: Figure as ground, 2020.
- Angerer, Menschen & Andere. Einleitung in den Schwerpunkt, 2011.
- Angleton, In Pursuit of Variegation, 2019.
- Animal Studies Group, Killing animals, 2006.
- animaliter, Tiere in der Literatur des Mittelalters. Ein interdisziplinäres Lexikon, 2015.
- Anker, From Bauhaus to ecohouse: a history of ecological design, 2010.
- Anker, Naturally Hypernatural, 2015.
- Anker, Petri(e)'s Panopoly, 2015.
- Anonym, Animalische Anecdoten., 1839.
- Anonym, Bilder-Conversations-Lexikon für das deutsche Volk. Ein Handbuch zur Verbreitung gemeinnütziger..., 1839.
- [OCR] Anonym, Kurtzer, doch gründlicher Begriff der Edlen Jägerey., 1745.
- Anonym, Thierschutz-Verein und Hundesteuer., 1868.
- [OCR] Anonym, Thierseelen-Kunde auf Thatsachen begründet oder 156 höchst merkwürdige Anekdoten von..., 1804.
- [OCR] Anonym, Thierseelen-Kunde auf Thatsachen begründet oder 156 höchst merkwürdige Anekdoten von..., 1805.
- Anonym, Thierseelen-Kunde auf Thatsachen begründet. Oder 156 höchst merkwürdige Anekdoten von..., 1804.
- Anonym, Ueber die Tactik der Thiere..
- Anstötz, Schwerst geistigbehinderte Menschen un die Großen Menschenaffen: Ein Beitrag aus..., 1994.
- Antennae readers, The Silence of the Plants, 2011.
- Anthes, Aufruf zum Mitleid (Fortsetzung)., 1857.
- Anthes, Aufruf zum Mitleid., 1857.
- Antoni, Where we find ourselves, 2023.
- Arbuckle, Animals and inequality in the ancient world, 2014.
- Arcari, (Animal) Oppression: Responding to Questions of Efficacy and (Il)Legitimacy in..., 2022.
- Arcari, The Covid Pandemic, ‘Pivotal’ Moments, and Persistent Anthropocentrism: Interrogating the..., 2021.
- Archetti, Guinea-pigs: food, symbol, and conflict of knowledge in Ecuador, 1997.
- Argent, Afterword: Moving Human-Equine Studies Forward, with Horses, 2022.
- Argent, Barn Banter: An Exploration of Anthropomorphism and ‘Equine-o-morphism’ as Agency, 2022.
- Argent, Believing Ginger: Revisiting Black Beauty during #MeToo, 2022.
- Argent, Can You Hear Me (Yet)?—Rhetorical Horses, Trans-species Communication, and Interpersonal..., 2022.
- Argent, Ceremony and Psychoanalytic Thought: A Theoretical Framework for Exploring Horse-Human..., 2022.
- Argent, Horses as Healers: Shifting Paradigms and Ethics in Equine Assisted..., 2022.
- Argent, How Horses Matter in Eastern Mongolia: Cross-Breeding, Gaited Horses and..., 2022.
- Argent, Introduction: Humans and Horses in the Relational Arena, 2022.
- Argent, Is it Sex if the Veterinarian Does the Work? The..., 2022.
- Argent, Mareitude: Misogyny in the Horse World, 2022.
- Argent, Negotiating Power, Personhood and (In)equality in Elite Horse‐Rider Relationships, 2022.
- Argent, Reining-in the Vital Powers of Horses, 2022.
- Argent, Synchrony or Dominance? Social Relations in Feral and Domestic Horses, 2022.
- Argent, The relational horse: how frameworks of communication, care, politics and..., 2022.
- Argent, Toward a Privileging of the Nonverbal. Communication, Corporeal Synchrony and..., 2012.
- Argent, “Horses are Like Babies”: Work and Skill in the Care..., 2022.
- Argent, “The Steed Knew Well His Master Was Slain”: Human-Horse Relationships..., 2022.
- Arianna, Tiere und Technoscience, 2016.
- Aristoteles, Tierkunde, 1949.
- Arluke, Beauty and the beast: human-animal relations as revealed in real..., 2010.
- Arluke, Between the species: readings in human-animal relations, 2009.
- Arluke, Inside animal hoarding: the case of Barbara Erickson and her..., 2009.
- Arluke, Just a dog: understanding animal cruelty and ourselves, 2006.
- Arluke, Managing Emotions in an Animal Shelter, 1994.
- Arluke, Regarding animals, 1996.
- Arluke, The photographed cat picturing human-feline ties, 1890-1940, 2013.
- Arluke, Underdogs: pets, people, and poverty., 2020.
- Arluke, Understanding Nazi Animal Protection and the Holocaust, 1992.
- Arluke, “We build a better beagle”: Fantastic creatures in lab animal..., 1994.
- Armbruster, Beyond nature writing: expanding the boundaries of ecocriticism, 2001.
- Armbruster, Crossing an Almost Unimaginable Border, 2014.
- Armbruster, What Do We Want from Talking Animals? Reflections on Literary..., 2013.
- Armstrong, Art-Eco-Science. Field Collaborations, 2019.
- Armstrong, Moby-Dick and Compassion, 2004.
- Armstrong, More-than-human ethics for biodesign, 2022.
- Armstrong, Samuel Butler's Sheep, 2012.
- Armstrong, The animal ethics reader, 2008.
- Armstrong, The Postcolonial Animal, 2002.
- Armstrong, What animals mean in the fiction of modernity, 2008.
- Armstrong,, Persona Non Grata, 2021.
- Arnds, "Wolf und nochmals Wolf": zum Homo sacer in "Die Blechtrommel"..., 2015.
- Arnds, The boy with the old face: Thomas Hardy's Antibildungsroman 'Jude..., 1998.
- Arndt, Erleben Sie Tiere! Ein Essay zum Mensch-Tier-Verhältnis in der Erlebnisgesellschaft, 2016.
- Arndt, Lipinsky-Gottersdorf, Hans: Krähen im Februar [Rezension], 1990.
- Arnold, Hunde auf ihrem Weg durch EUropa. Ethnographische Einblicke in den..., 2014.
- Arnold, Monsters, tricksters, and sacred cows: animal tales and American identities, 1996.
- Arnott, Animals in the Greek Theatre, 1959.
- Arrends, Mark Dion: Systema Metropolis, 2019.
- Art Labor, Salty as sweat. Red as soil. Soil as blood., 2021.
- Artinger, Schwäche bedeutete Tod. Zum Wandel des Todesbildes in Tierkampfbildern der..., 2014.
- Artinger, Von der Tierbude zum Turm der blauen Pferde: die künstlerische..., 1995.
- Artiss, Theodor Storms symbolische Tierwelt - dargestellt an seinen Vorstellungen von..., 1996.
- As-Safa', Mensch und Tier vor dem König der Dschinnen. Aus den..., 2005.
- Ascione, Children and animals: exploring the roots of kindness and cruelty, 2004.
- Ascione, The abuse of animals and domestic violence, 1997.
- Ascione, The international handbook of animal abuse and cruelty: theory, research,..., 2008.
- Asdal, Humans, animals and biopolitics: the more-than human condition, 2017.
- Asdal, Introduction: The ‘More Than Human’ Condition: Sentient Creatures and Versions..., 2017.
- Asdal, Knowing Sentient Subjects: Humane Experimental Technique and the Constitution of..., 2017.
- Asdal, Loving Camels, Sacrificing Sheep, Slaughtering Gazelles: Human-Animal Relations in Contemporary..., 2017.
- Asdal, Making Pig Research Biographies: Names and Numbers, 2017.
- Asdal, Modifying the Biopolitical Collective: The Law as a Moral Technology, 2017.
- Asdal, One Health, Many Species: Towards a Multispecies Investigation of Bird..., 2017.
- Asdal, Pastorale: Sheep Traffic in Modern Trauma Surgery, 2017.
- Asdal, Sensory Biopolitics: Knowing Birds and a Politics of Life, 2017.
- Asdal, The Measure of the Disease: The Pathological Animal Experiment in..., 2017.
- Asdal, The Practice of Fishy Sentience, 2017.
- Ash, Mensch, Tier und Zoo: der Tiergarten Schönbrunn im internationalen Vergleich..., 2008.
- Ash, Tiere und Wissenschaft: Versachlichung und Vermenschlichung im Widerstreit, 2014.
- Asher, Home is Where the Food Is: Barriers to Vegetarianism and..., 2014.
- Asker, The modern bestiary: animals in English fiction, 1880-1945, 1996.
- Aspetsberger, Canetti, Elias: Die Fliegenpein [Rezension], 1993.
- Astel, Jambe(n) & Schmetterling(e) oder Amor & Psyche: eine Schmetterlingskunde, 1993.
- Asúa, A new world of animals: early modern Europeans on the..., 2005.
- Atkins, Animal cities: beastly urban histories, 2012.
- Atkinson, A Suite of Creatures, 2014.
- Atkinson, Alexis Wright’s Literary Testimony to Intersecting Traumas, 2018.
- Atkinson, Tomás Saraceno: Interfacing nature and culture through art and science, 2019.
- Attebery, Coshaping Digital and Biological Animals: Companion Species Encounters and Biopower..., 2015.
- Audubon, The watercolors for The birds of America, 1993.
- Augstein, Gefährte, Opfer, Statussymbol? Tierdeponierungen im Kontext prähistorischer Bestattungsplätze, 2014.
- Austin, Illustrating Animals for the Working Classes: The Penny Magazine (1832–1845), 2010.
- Auteri, La lepre dotta: il 'Froschmeuseler' di Georg Rollenhagen, 1985.
- Auteri, Tiersymbolik im deutschen Tierepos des ausgehenden 16. Jahrhunderts, 1997.
- Aymard, Essai sur les chasses romaines des origines à la fin..., 1951.
- B., La Vie Est Si Genante Part III, 2008.
- Babb, Who’ll Let the Dogs In? Animals, Authorship, and the Library..., 2013.
- Bachmann, Das Tier als Symbol: in Träumen, Mythen und Märchen, 2014.
- Bachstein, Von Katzen und Menschen, 1990.
- Bacigalupo, Il problema degli animali nel pensiero antico., 1965.
- Bade, Urban (Re)Cology, 2016.
- Badman-King, Living-with wisdom: permaculture and symbiotic ethics, 2023.
- Badri-Spröwitz, Das Tier als Modell für Roboter, und Roboter als Modell..., 2019.
- Badura, Moral für Mensch und Tier. Tierschutzethik im Kontext., 1999.
- Baenninger, Animals in Art: Some Trends Across Three Millennia, 1988.
- Baenninger, What's in a Name? Uncovering the Connotative Meanings of Animal..., 2000.
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- [OCR] Baer, Schädel- und Kopfmangel an Embryonen von Schweinen: aus der frühesten..., 1829.
- [OCR] Baer, Ueber Entwickelungsgeschichte der Thiere: Beobachtung und Reflexion., 1828.
- [OCR] Baer, Ueber Entwickelungsgeschichte der Thiere: Beobachtung und Reflexion, 1837.
- [OCR] Baer, Untersuchungen über die Entwickelungsgeschichte der Fische nebst einem Anhange über..., 1835.
- [OCR] Baer, Welche Auffassung der lebenden Natur ist die richtige? und Wie..., 1862.
- Baggaley, Lexikon der Tiere, 2009.
- Bahr, Nietzsches Tiere, 2003.
- Bailly, The animal side, 2011.
- Baker, Artist Animal, 2013.
- Baker, Fables of the Sublime: Kant, Schiller, Kleist, 1998.
- Baker, Picturing the beast: animals, identity, and representation, 2001.
- Baker, Something’s Gone Wrong Again, 2008.
- Baker, Steve Baker – Nortfolk Roadkill, Mainly, 2010.
- Baker, Steve Baker: What are the Relevant Questions?, 2011.
- Baker, The postmodern animal, 2008.
- Baker, Writing Animals: Language, Suffering, and Animality in Twenty-First-Century Fiction, 2019.
- Balasingamchow, A heart the size of an armchair, 2021.
- Baldick, Animal and Shaman: ancient religions of Central Asia, 2000.
- Balke, Domestikation und Bestialisierung. Zur politischen Zoologie in Daniel Defoes "The..., 2016.
- Balke, Wölfe, Schafe, Ochsen. Nietzsche und die liberale Zoologie, 2007.
- Ballantyne-Brodie, Earth System Ethics, 2015.
- Balluch, Jagd, 2015.
- Balluch, Pelz, 2015.
- Balluch, Ziviler Ungehorsam, 2015.
- Balzer, Menschenwürde vs. Würde der Kreatur: Begriffsbestimmung, Gentechnik, Ethikkommissionen, 1999.
- Bancaud, Des rats et des hommes ou L'esthétique et al philosophie..., 2006.
- Bane, Encyclopedia of beasts and monsters in myth, legend and folklore, 2016.
- Banting, Magic is Afoot: Hoof Marks, Paw Prints and the Problem..., 2009.
- Baracco, Species in correlation: Superstudio and ground/planet continuity, 2021.
- Baranzke, Die Würde der Tiere. Zu den theologischen Wurzeln und dem..., 2016.
- Baranzke, Eine kurze Ideengeschichte der Tierliebe. Die Care-/Kehrseite abendländischer Biopolitik, 2004.
- Baranzke, Nur kluge Hänschen kommen in den Himmel. Der tierpsychologische Streit..., 2001.
- Baranzke, Tierethik, Tiernatur und Moralanthropologie im Kontext von § 17, Tugendlehre., 2005.
- Baranzke, Würde der Kreatur? Die Idee der Würde im Horizont der..., 2002.
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